Joke's On You V. 2

187 9 1

WARNINGS: Killing,  Torture (Mentions), Blood, Language 

Inspired by: 'No Body, No Crime' by Taylor Swift

An angry scream tore from Nightwing's throat as he punched his enemy in the face.

A hideous laugh echoed throughout the rooftops of Gotham.

"He screamed so prettily, Boy Wonder." Joker smiled, blood dripping from his mouth.

Nightwing saw red.


"Nightwing! stop!" Batman grabbed Nightwing's fist once he finally got to the rooftop.

It was too late.

Blood dripped from Nightwing's fist. Blood was splattered all over his costume and all over the rooftop under Joker's body.

Batman roughly threw Nightwing off of Joker's bloodied body and quickly checked for a pulse.

There was none.

"Nightwing. What happened?" Batman asked in a harsh, emotionless voice.

"I...I don't... uhm, he was just laughing. He said that J-Jason screamed prettily. And he wouldn't stop laughing, B. He just wouldn't stop." Nightwing mumbled through.

"Nightwing, what did you do?" Bruce asked, looking up from Joker's body.

"I hit him and he kept laughing. So I hit him again. Then he said that and... I... I don't remember after that." Nightwing said.

Bruce turned back to Joker's body and started to try CPR.

After 30 minutes of no response, Bruce had to accept the fact that Nightwing just killed the Joker. 

"Bruce... I didn't mean to." Richard sounded miserable. 

"I know. That doesn't change the fact that he's dead." Batman said.

"What do we do?" Dick asked, sounding small and vulnerable.  

"We bring him to Gordon." Bruce said, picking up Joker's body. 

Nightwing just nodded and followed. 


Gordon came up to the rooftop after he saw Batman in his office, nearly giving him a heart attack. 

"What is this about Batman?" Gordon asked as he opened the door to the rooftop.

He immediately stopped walking, gasping at the body of Joker. 

"Is he...?" Gordon didn't finish the question.

"Yes. Nightwing killed him." Batman said. 

Gordon turned to Nightwing, who's gaze was down to the ground and who looked pale.

"Decided to just stop it?" Gordon asked him, wanting to know the truth.

"No. I was just going to find him so Batman and I could take him down, but he saw me and started joking and saying awful things about how he killed R-Robin." Dick choked up. 

"Son of a bitch had it coming for a while now." Gordon said.

"Even if he did those awful things, we shouldn't decide who  lives and dies." Nightwing said. 

"Somehow, I don't think anyone will blame you for this." Gordon lit up a cigarette.

"What are you saying?" Nightwing heard the unsaid phrase. 

"I could very easily turn away and let you go. Joker had a freak accident after all." Gordon offered. 

"No. I have to pay for what I've done." Nightwing shook his head, remorse on his face.

"If that's what you want. I figure that a lot of people will be happy to hear that Joker's dead though. Even so, if this is what you want, I will arrest you. You do realize that I will have to remove your mask and all though, right?" Gordon asked. 

"Yeah, I know. But it's not right to walk free, knowing I killed him." Nightwing said.

Gordon took his handcuffs out of his pocket and walked to the edge of the building, throwing them over.

"I'm not going to arrest Nightwing. I've known you since you were a kid. You had no intention of killing him. I can't arrest you for an accident. One that saved gosh knows how many more people. You're a hero. You're more remorseful than half the freaks in Arkham. Just don't make this a regular thing." Gordon cracked a small smile at the end. 

Nightwing looked between Gordon and Batman, "That's it?" 

"I'm not a cop. I can't do any actual arresting. But I agree. You didn't mean to." Batman said. 

"So, since that's that, I think I'll smoke my cigarette and then call the coroner." Gordon said, turning around. 

Batman put a hand on Nightwing's shoulder, signaling that they should go. 

"That's what I thought." Gordon said, looking back at the empty rooftop, sans Joker's body. 

This was Version 2, we have one more to go! 

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