Winter Routine

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Dick smiled.

It was freezing in the manor.

Richard curled into his blankets some more.

He knew it was only a matter of time.


After Richard hid all the extra blankets and everyone's comforters under his bed, all the boxes now gone, he smiled. 

If Alfred couldn't find any blankets, then everyone else would go cold, thus, making them have to cuddle.

Damian was the first to pop up. 

He came in with his only blanket and asked if he could stay with Richard under his blankets. 

Richard nodded and smiled.

His plan was coming along well.


The next one to come in that night was Tim.

Tim was looking quite pale and was shivering. 

"Come in here, Timmy!" Dick held part of the comforter and blankets up.

Tim dove in.


Stephanie and Cassandra came in at the same time.

Damian somehow moved onto Dick's chest with Tim on his left and Steph and Cass coming to sleep on his right.

Richard smiled.

Yes, his plan was going quite well.


Jason came in covered in thick layers of jackets and shirts. 

"Jay, loose the extra jackets and shirts and come in here! It's so warm!" Richard smiled.

Jason stripped until he was in one pair of pants and one shirt.

He cuddled next to Tim.


Bruce eventually came up from the Bat-cave and into Richard's room.

"Heya, Bruce." Richard smiled tiredly.

"Can we turn up the heater, Bruce?" Jason asked.

"I'm afraid it's broken." Bruce said.

"Okay. Why are you here? You ganna cuddle too?" Tim asked.

"No. I'm just getting my comforter. Dick always breaks the heater during winter so he can cuddle everyone." Bruce explained.

"He also takes everyone's blankets and comforters." Bruce pulled out Tim and his comforters. 

"Wait. Dick-head took all our comforters?!" Jason screamed.

"Shhh. You don't want to wake him up. Especially when he's in a cuddling mood." Bruce said before pulling his comforter down.

He crawled into Richard's bed and pulled Jason to his chest.

"Just enjoy the time and warmth." Bruce said.

They all soon drifted off to sleep.

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