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Anime-and-books has requested: "my request is that Batman takes all of his sons to the watch tower because he needed the justice league to watch them.

Dick is 12 he is robin

Jason is 10 he is called Jaybird

Tim is 8 he is (you make a name up I dont know)

Damian is 6 he is Babybird"

Here it is!


Bruce stopped as he held the card up.

"Joker." Batman said.

"Who's Joker?" Robin, Richard Grayson, jumped around.

"Nobody you need to worry about." Batman said.

"I thought we were partners! You're not supposed to hold back a case from me!" Robin frowned.

"Dick. This guy is bad. Really bad. I...I don't want you hurt. I don't want any of you hurt. That's why I'm taking you to the Watch Tower." Bruce said.

"The...The Watch Tower. Like...the Justice League?!" Richard smiled widely.

"Yes, the Justice League." Bruce nodded.

"We?" Robin asked.

"You and your younger brothers." Batman said.

"Why do we all need to go?" Richard asked.

"I don't want Joker to...find you." Bruce said.

"Why would he find us?" Robin asked.

"No big deal." Bruce said.

"Let's go." Batman said.


"Who are these little ones?" Wonder Woman smiled at Batman.

"This is Robin, Jaybird, Timmybird, and Babybird." Batman introduced them.

"Is the Bat a big Bird watcher?" Flash, Barry Allen, laughed.

"Just watch them for a bit." Batman glared at Flash.

"Whatever you say, Boss." Flash nodded.

"Just... don't play Hide and Seek, Tag, know what, just watch them. Carefully." Batman said.

He handed Damian over to Black Canary along with his backpack.

Damian immediately frowned at Canary.

"B, he's six. Babybird can take care of himself." Robin said, taking Damian into his arms.

Damian immediately got out of said arms.

"We all can." Jason frowned.

"I'll be back soon." Batman said before walking out the Zeta Tubes.


"We need to get out of here." Jason said.

"How?" Tim asked.

"Just go through the tubes." Damian said.

"That won't work." Richard said.

"That is because you are too big!" Damian frowned.

"Dami, no need to be mean." Dick said.

Damian rolled his eyes.

"Here's what we can do." Jason smirked.


"This is not what I had in mind." Jason said.

"I'm pretty sure Batman wouldn't want us to do this." Flash said, mentioning the kids.

They were all tied up and dangling from the ceiling.

"Let's get them down." Superman said, flying upwards.

Soon, all of the batkids were back on the ground.

"Let's play a game!" Robin smiled.


"I don't like this game." Flash said, tied up.

Jason smirked, throwing the duct tape onto the chair.

"Kids: 1, Adults: 1." Jason smirked.

"We're supposed to be escaping. Not winning a pretend game between the kids and adults." Said Damian.

"They brought it upon themselves." Jason said, putting his game face on.


"Do I want to know what happened here?" Batman asked.

There was paint and silly string all over the main room of the Watch Tower.

Several kids and adults were tied up.

"I WIN!" Jason screamed, jumping up and down.

"We were supposed to be finding out what you were doing." Richard frowned, looking at Batman.

"I told you to not worry about it." Bruce said.

"But it was something really dangerous. Robin is supposed to have Batman's back!" Dick frowned, very upset.

"And you will. Next time." Batman smiled.

Sorry about the long wait!!!

But it's here! :) 

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