Dating (BPD Style)

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WARNING: Language, Against-will dating, Bludhaven Mafia and Gotham Mafia,

"Okay, and the last thing for today's agenda is-" Addad was cut off by the check-in officer yelling at someone.

"You can't go in there, sir!" she yelled at whoever it was.

Everyone looked over to see the Bludhaven Mafia boss, Tony Belshki and his daughter, Angela Belshki.

"What is Bludhaven Mafia boss Tony Belshki bursting in a police station for?" Addad asked roughly.

While her father got into it with Addad, Angela slipped off to stand next to a police officer.

"Hello." Angela said.

"Oh. Hi!" Richard smiled.

"How is a cute thing like you a police officer?" Angela asked.

"How is a cute thing like you in the Mafia?" Dick fired back.

"Touché." Angela shrugged and moved her fiery red hair.

Bright green eyes pierced bright blue eyes.

"I'm serious though, how are you an officer?" Angela asked.

"Worked for it. Your turn." Dick said.

"My father is the Mafia leader. My grandpop was a Mafia leader. Danger runs in the family." Angela said.

"Funny. Danger runs in my family too." Richard said, smirking.

"Oh, now this I want to know." Angela said, getting a bit closer.

"No." Dick said, knowing he should shut whatever was happening off.

"Come on!" Angela encouraged.

"No." Richard's arms crossed.

Angela's lips pursed and then undid.

Her top lip broke into a snarl.

She then put on an evil-looking grin and turned around and headed towards her dad.

"Is that all?" Addad asked.

"Daddy!" Angela said sweetly.

"What dear? Daddy is a bit busy." Tony said.

"I have a condition too." Angela said.

"What?" Tony asked his daughter.

"Him." Angela turned around and pointed at Richard.

"I want to go on a date with him!" she said loudly.

"WHAT?!" everyone but Angela, Dick, and Tony yelled.

"No way!" Richard snarled at her.

"Daddy! I want a date with him!" Angela said, looking into her father's eyes with determination.

"He's a cop, sweetie. Not the best with my business." Tony said, trying to get her to reconsider.

"I. Want. HIM!" Angela yelled loudly and stomped her foot.

"Honey, I have men much bigger and better then him. You can have one of them." Tony said after giving a look at Richard.

"No. Him." Angela crossed her arms and looked away.

"I have a girlfriend. There is no WAY that I'm going out with you, free will or not!" Dick snarled at her.

Tony looked over at Addad for help.

"We need Grayson, Miss Belshki. He's very important to our department and one day away is too much." Addad said.

"You can send them men, Daddy. Or else Mrs. Ylang will have a nice knife in her throat." Angela said, pointing to the picture of a captured Ylang.

"Honey, I'm the one with the power to kill her or not." Tony reminded his daughter.

"Don't think that I forgot the incident involving Garham." Angela snarled at her dad.

Tony gulped.

He cleared his throat and straightened up.

"Would you go on a date with my daughter?" Tony asked Richard.

Dick's eyes narrowed, "No."

Tony nodded with a pursed lip, "Let me rephrase that. You WILL go on a date with my daughter." He held up the picture of Ylang.

"I've done the against-will dating. Not a fan." Richard said, glaring into Tony's eyes.

"Perhaps you're forgetting who has Ylang." Tony said.

"Perhaps you're forgetting who has a gun right now." Dick said.

"I could kill her with a snap of my fingers. My men are always watching." Tony said.

"I have a girlfriend. I don't cheat." Richard said.

"I guess you don't like your Ylang friend." Tony held up his fingers.

"I guess you want to lose your leverage against the BPD." Dick fired back.

Tony put his hand down.

"What will it take to get you to go out on a date with her?" Tony asked.

"Nothing. Because I won't go on a date with her." Richard said.

Angela's face was getting angrier and angrier.

"I think Grayson made his mind up." Addad was trying to take a hold of the situation.

"Look here, lover boy, you WILL take me on a date." Angela pushed him back.

"You don't know who you're messing with, Princess." Dick growled at her and took her hand off his chest.

"You're a police officer who is going to take this Mafia princess on a date or your family will suffer." Angela threatened.

"Don't threaten me!" Richard growled loudly.

"Grayson, was it? The son of Bruce Wayne? You have quite a few brothers and sisters. Cassandra, Stephanie, Jason, Tim, and who else was it? Oh, yeah! Damian." Angela's eyes narrowed.

"You touch him and I kill you." Dick had his gun under her chin, said in a cold, emotionless tone.

Everyone was shocked except Angela and Richard.

"See? Danger runs in your family. I know you. Flying Grayson." Angela said with a smirk.

"Yeah? And how would you like Renegade on you?" Dick asked.

"Renegade? The big Gotham Mafia guy?" Angela asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Him." Richard said.

"You know him?" Angela asked.

"We're...related, you could say." Dick said.

Angela's eyes went wide and then narrowed sharply.

"I want to go on a date." Angela said.

"And I want to go home. But we all can't have what we want, Princess." Dick growled.

"I'll have a date with you." Angela said and then walked out.

"If you know what's best for you, you will change your daughter's mind AND let Ylang go. Otherwise...well, you know Mafia sticks up for their family." Richard threatened.

"This isn't the last you've heard from us!" Angela yelled.

"Yeah, that's what all the criminals say." Dick glared.

The father and daughter were soon gone.


"Relax. They won't kill Ylang. She is leverage. If anything, they will kidnap someone else." Grayson said.

"Her blood is on YOUR hands!" Shalt's shoulder purposely hit Grayson's shoulder as he walked out.

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