The Art Of... (No. 1)

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The Art of...

Part 1- Friendship Bracelet Making

(I OWN NOTHING! I'm just using YouTube because that's what I'm watching right now.)


"Okay, welcome to my YouTube channel!" Nightwing smiled widely, waving his hands in front of the camera. 

"This is my first video, so be extra nice! Today, I'm going to teach you how to make friendship bracelets!" Dick held his hands up like a cheerleader. 

"So, first you need to pick out three strings. They can all be the same color or different colors. It doesn't matter, as long as you have three strings!" Nightwing held up a royal blue string, a dark purple, and a maroon string. 

"See? Eins, Zwei, Drei!" Dick smiled, counting to three in German. 

"Now, since you have these three strings, tie the ends of them together into one big knot!" Nightwing showed the camera how to do the knot. 

"Learned that one from Batman when we had to tie up some criminals!" Dick smiled. 

"Now, take a piece of tape and tape it to a flat surface. Or as close as you can get to a flat surface." Richard said. 

Nightwing taped the string down.

"Now, cut the strings the same length, but MAKE SURE you have it long enough to tie it around your wrist!" Nightwing pointed at the camera. 

Dick cut the strings. 

He moved the camera so it was now focused on the strings. 

"You're going to take the three strings and basically do a braid until you get to the end." Nightwing showed the viewers how to braid. 

And he kept braiding to the end of it. 

"Now, since you're at the end, just tie the strings together like you did at the beginning." Nightwing tied them. 

"Pull the tape off and wrap it around your wrist." Dick wrapped the bracelet around his gloved wrist. 

"And tie it again, but this tie will be like you're tying your shoes. I do it twice to make sure that it doesn't come undone." Richard tied the bracelet and showed the camera. 

He moved the camera so it was focused on him again.

"And now you're done! So, not only can your now make friendship bracelets, you can also braid your friend's hair!" Nightwing laughed. 

"Thank you for watching! And I'm going to go make all of the Batfamily bracelets! Buh-bye now!" the video ended when Nightwing turned off the camera. 


The next morning, everyone found themselves with bracelets. 

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