The Family V. 2, Part 1

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This one is a bit different from the original The Murderous Duo chapters. (The ages and all are the same, but Deathstroke never happened.)

Martha Wayne smiled brightly.

"He's perfect." She said, holding the newborn child closely.

"Of course he is. He's ours." Thomas Wayne smiled, putting his arms around his wife and child.

"Damian. Damian Thomas Wayne." Martha said, looking into Damian's eyes that just opened.

"I love it." Thomas said.

It was a perfect day.


"OOOHHH!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" Damian yelled, holding up his unwrapped toy.

It was a train set.

Thomas laughed, hugging Damian.

It was Christmas at the moment and his 3 year old boy was happy.

That was all that mattered to Thomas and Martha.


Damian, now 6 years old, squealed as Thomas picked him up.

Thomas twirled him around before he set him back on the ground.

Damian held his mother and father's hands.

"Now, how about that ice cream?" Martha asked, smiling brightly.

"YEAH!" Damian laughed.

They found the ice cream parlor that they liked to go to and ordered one scoop of ice cream each.


Damian collapsed to the ground.

He was 8 years old and just saw someone gun down his parents.

"D-D-Damian." Thomas stuttered out.

Blood was spilling out the corner of his mouth.

"D-Dami." Thomas grabbed his hand.

Damian looked into his father's eyes.

"D-Don't ever l-lose you l-light. A-A-Always h-have i-i-it." Thomas said.

His eyes closed and his head fell to the side.

"No." Damian cried.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Damian broken scream was heard for blocks.


"Master Damian." Alfred said as they walked into the front door of the Manor.

"Leave me alone." Damian said harshly, then went to his room.

He was still covered in his parent's blood.

Damian drew himself a bath and quickly got to work on getting the blood, grime, and smoke smell off of himself.

He was in the bathtub for hours.


Alfred sighed as he drove to get Damian from Gotham Academy


Damian apparently got into another fight with a boy.

Alfred sighed and longed for the days were everything was better.

But that was the past.

His sweet Damian was gone.

All that was left was an upset, traumatized 13 year old boy.

And Alfred had no idea how to help.


"I am leaving." Damian said, backpack hanging from his shoulders.

"Master Damian, you're only 17. You can't leave!" Alfred protested.

"I am leaving, Pennyworth." Dark, almost black, blue eyes glared at him.

"Of course, sir. Do you have everything you need?" Alfred asked, knowing that he couldn't stop Damian from leaving.

"Yes, I do. I shall see you again, Alfred. But not for a while. Try not to destroy the manor or die while I'm gone." Damian said, ever the realist.

"Of course not, Master Damian." Alfred knew what Damian meant.

"Goodbye, Alfred." Damian said, hugging Alfred before walking out the door.

"Goodbye... Damian." Alfred frowned, looking very sad.


Years later, Damian return to Wayne Manor.

"Master Damian!" Alfred gasped as he opened the door.

"Pennyworth. I missed you." Damian embraced Alfred.

Damian had grown taller, yet.

He now reached a full 6 foot, 2 inches. (*1)

And he was also 20 years old.

"How has everything been?" Damian asked.

"Good, good. It has been a while since you have been home." Alfred said.

"Yes, well, now I'm back, Pennyworth. And I had some...insightful eye-opening." Damian said, nervous.

"Oh, is that so, Master Damian?" Alfred asked.

"Yes. I have decided that I wanted to do more about my parents. I will remember them properly. And so will Gotham." Damian said.

"Wayne Enterprises has a lot of potential. And so does Gotham." Damian said. 

"But Gotham is corrupt. Too full of evil." Damian said. 

"Someone needs to do something about it. And we both know that the police department will not do anything. It is up to me, Alfred." Damian looked him straight in the eyes, all seriousness. (When isn't he?) 

"Master Damian?" Alfred was confused. 

"The civilians need hope. They need to know that they are safe." Damian said. 

"Sir, what could you possibly do?" Alfred asked.

"I can give that to them. I can only do so much as Damian Wayne though. I could do more if I was someone else. Something else." Damian said.

"Sir?" Alfred asked. 

"This city needs hope. Safety. A hero." Damian said, looking out the window. 

"Sir, you can't possible mean being a hero? Like one of those comic books you used to read?" Alfred asked, greatly confused and in disbelief. 

"Alfred, you have served my family for years. I understand if you do not want to do this." Damian said. 

Alfred stared in shock. 

Damian stared back at him. 

"I have seen much destruction and death, Damian." Alfred said, looking out the window, eyes full of sad remembrance. 

"How?" Alfred looked at Damian, determined. 

Damian smirked. 


(*1)= Damian is Bruce's height because I think everyone has decided that they want little Bruce to past Damian's height. 

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