The Couch (Part 1)

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The couch was an important part in the Wayne family, surprisingly.

The couch was there in good times and rough.

The couch held the Waynes throughout movie marathons and ice cream issues.

But most importantly, the couch was a great place to sleep.

Or cuddle.


As the movie ended, Jason looked over to Richard only to find him asleep.

And Damian was asleep too.

But that wasn't what had him.

Damian was asleep sitting while Richard was asleep with his head on top of Damian's.

"Let's let them sleep." Bruce said, turning off the television.


Richard was taking a nap on the couch when Tim found him.

Dick was moving around and had an upset look on his face, like he was having a bad dream.

Tim walked over and grabbed Richard's hand.

Dick immediately relaxed some.

He then grabbed Tim and held him close.

"Dickie!" Tim tried to move from his grasp, but Richard's grasp was too tight.

Tim just relaxed.

He knew he wasn't getting out anytime soon.

Tim just relaxed and cuddled closer.


Jason was asleep on the couch when Tim walked in.

A documentary about lemurs was playing on the TV.

Tim sat down but started to scoot closer to Jason.

Damian and Tim just had another fight.

Jason awoke suddenly when Tim's shoulder touched his arm.

Tim was looking down at his feet.

"Tim?" Jason asked in a tired voice.

Tim tried not to cry.

He really did!

"Hey kiddo. What's wrong?" Jason asked, pulling Tim to him.

Tim clung to Jason and burst out crying.

"Hey, hey! Come now, you know I'm not good with crying." Jason laughed a bit.

"Hey!" Jason started rocking them back and forth.

"It's okay. Whatever happened is going to be okay, kiddo." Jason said, holding Tim tighter.

"D-D-Damian." Tim stuttered out as he sobbed.

"What did the little shit do now?" Jason asked, still rocking.

"M-Mean." Tim cried.

"Yeah, the little shit normally is." Jason said.

"Tim?" Dick's voice called out.

"Big Bird is looking for 'ya." Jason smirked.

Tim gave a small laugh, "Big Bird?"

"Yeah, a bit funnier then Mother Hen." Jason responded.

"Tim!" Richard found them in the living room.

Tim whipped the tears from his face.

"Hey, Timmy. You know he didn't mean any of that. Damian was just frustrated and took it out on you. It was wrong, but he didn't mean any of it." Richard said, putting a hand on Tim's shoulder and crouching down to be at Tim's height while Tim was sitting.

"He said such mean things though." Tim said.

"I know. I know. He's rough around the edges. He needs some help though. He's not used to emotions, and people, and new things, and well...everything really." Richard said.

"Why is he mean to me though?" Tim asked.

"'Cause he's frustrated and doesn't know how to handle it. He normally gets what he wants or Talia would keep him in line. Here? Bruce doesn't even look at him yet! He had to leave Talia, so all he has right now is foreign people. Us. You remember how you felt when you first came here? He's like that." Richard explained.

"Doesn't mean that he should be so mean." Tim muttered from Jason's chest.

"No, it doesn't. So we'll just have to teach him how to be better!" Richard smiled brightly.


Damian was curled up on the couch with a random show on while he stared at it.

He didn't fully understand why TV's were so great.

Or really, what they were used for.

"What 'ya watching, Brat?" Jason asked as he flipped onto the couch.

"Tt. Use proper English, Todd." Damian tisked.

"What are you watching, Brat?" Jason asked again.

"I do not know. I just turned it on." Damian said.

Jason nodded.

He then grabbed the controller and started flipping through the channels.

"I do not understand." Damian said.

"Understand what?" Jason asked.

"Why is the Television so important? What purpose does it hold?" Damian asked.

"It gives entertainment. You can watch movies, tv shows, and music on here. It's something to do. Something to help relax after a long day or to watch your favorite show on." Jason explained.

Damian nodded.

"What is your favorite television show?" Damian asked curious.

"You can just say TV. And I think maybe... Top Gear." Jason said, still flipping.

"What is this 'Top Gear'?" Damian asked.

"It's a show about cars." Jason said.

Damian nodded.

"Why?" Damian asked.

"'Cause they can. I don't know, ask the people who produce it." Jason said.

He finally found a show to watch.

Damian nodded and decided to watch with Jason.

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