Cosmetics (Part 1) [BPD Style]

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Gesh! These titles! :P 

This is a bit played off of New Transfer (BPD Style). 


"So, is Grayson-" Anderson asked.

"He's fine. Once he's back, you'll see the real him. He's not normally loopy like that." Malkore cut Anderson off.

Anderson huffed as he blew a piece of his blonde hair off of his face. 

"At least he's getting sleep." Lolli said before walking away.

"So, Anderson, right?" Wrang asked, coming up to him and shaking his hand firmly.

"Yes, sir." Anderson nodded.

Wrang smiled, "Welcome to the department."

They stopped shaking hands.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be here. Just in time too, huh?" Anderson joked.

Wrang laughed his deep laugh, "Yes, indeed."

"So... Wrang?" Anderson asked.

"Yes?" Wrang asked.

"I'm guessing since I meet the others yesterday that your partner is Shnall." Anderson more said than asked.

"Yep. She's a great partner too. Feisty." Wrang laughed again, "Wouldn't trade her for anyone else. Have to keep her away from Grayson though."

"What? Why?" Anderson asked, a bit alarmed.

"He has a thing for red-heads. He won't admit it though. So, either he doesn't see it, or he just doesn't want to say he has a type." Wrang chuckled.

"Leave the kid alone!" Rohrbach smirked as she 'scolded'. 

"When's Lloyd getting here?" Lolli asked.

"He has a half day. Doctor's appointment." Ylang replied.

"I don't know how you three are part-time." Shalt said to Shnall and Wrang, referring to them and Lloyd.

"Lloyd's got his kid to look after. Doctors are still finding a cure." Wrang said.

"I hope they find it soon." Shnall grimaced.

"Yeah, it'd be great to have him full-time again." Shalt said.

"Oh? You don't like me then?" Ylang teased. 

"No! That's not what I meant! You're great! But we both know that I'm holding you back from Detective. I also miss having Lloyd as my partner. Man, we'd grab a beer after a tough day at this little diner. Great sandwiches too." Shalt gave a small smile. 

 "Yeah. We all miss him. But at least he's still part-time." Rohrbach said.

"Upside. Gatta look on the upside." Shalt nodded.

"Damn right, you do!" Lolli encouraged.

"Cute." Lloyd came in, looking at them all with a smug look.

"Hey, Lloyd!" Shalt smiled.

"Hey yourself!" Lloyd smirked at him, going into the locker room.

He came back out and joined the small gathering.

"Woah! New person!" Lloyd yelled, sliding over Shalt's desk to get to Anderson.

"What's your name?" Lloyd jerked his head in Anderson's direction.

"Jack Anderson." Anderson said, looking at Lloyd.

"Thomas Lloyd. I go by Lloyd or Tom." Lloyd introduced himself, shaking Anderson's hand.

"So new guy, rank?" Lloyd asked, grabbing Shalt's cup of coffee from his desk.

"Hey!" Shalt frowned, but wasn't angry.

Tom did that a lot.

"Oh shush! I need it more than you do." Lloyd said, taking a sip.

"Detective." Anderson said.

"Cool. Part-time Officer. I'm sure you've already meet part-time Detectives Wrang and Shnall?" Tom didn't really ask.

"Sure did." Anderson said.

"Good. We're the three that come and go. It's cool if you forget names, just ask." Lloyd said.

"Thank you." Anderson nodded.

"Where's Grayson? He's supposed to help me on the Chestney case today." Lloyd said, looking around.

"He worked himself into the ground. We made him go home and take a few days off." Lolli said.

Tom whistled, "He needs to sleep more. Seriously, why does he take up all his time to work?" 

"He doesn't have anything else to do." Shalt said.

"We need to get him a hobby." Lloyd said.

"And what do you propose? Start him on wood carving like you do?" Shalt smirked, looking amused.

"Yeah, and trust the guy that throws his gun sometimes with a knife? No thank you, I want to keep my head." Tom huffed.

"Give him something girly. He does scrap-booking. Don't give him plants though. He cries when he kills them. He holds actual funerals for the plants." Amy said.

Everyone just looked at him.

"It's what Cass and Steph told me." Amy said.

Lolli laughed, "I remember that!"

"Those two have so much dirt on their brothers." Amy smirked.

"I'm ganna totally use the play one." Lolli smirked a tad evilly.

"That one was a bit over-used by Steph. But she hasn't brought it up in a while. If we're lucky, he's forgotten by now." Amy laughed.

"Hello! Hobby! Preferably one that doesn't have us getting injured." Lloyd snapped his fingers.

"What does he like?" Anderson asked.

"Home-made stuff. Maybe teach him to make cards or something." Ylang suggested.

Lloyd shook his head. 

"You know, one of my girls is into making cosmetics. Maybe we should give him a lip gloss making kit or something." Wrang said.

"Worth a try." Lloyd shrugged.

Richard Grayson was going to have a new hobby soon!

12/27/17- Edited a few name issues. (I keep getting Jack and Tom mixed up. Just their first names though.) 

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