Spyral Breakfast

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AKA (It was a mistake.)

"You know what, Grayson? Make yourself useful and go make breakfast." Tiger said after the two of them, along with Midnighter, got off the plane. 

 They were returning to Spyral Headquarters from after a mission to retrieve another artifact, one that caused explosions.  

"Uhm...I'm not allowed in a kitchen." Dick said. 

Midnighter and Tiger stopped walking. 

"What?" Midnighter asked. 

"I'm not allowed in a kitchen. I mess everything up." Richard repeated. 

"Is this a low self-esteem thing, or are you really not allowed in a kitchen?" Midnighter asked. 

"I'm NOT allowed. In. A. Kitchen." Dick said. 

"I'm sure you're fine. Just heat up a pan of water for tea and scramble some eggs. That's all you have to do." Midnighter said. 

Richard sighed but walked towards the kitchen, "Don't say I didn't warn 'ya!"

"He just wants to get out of work." Tiger said. 

A few minutes later, there was an explosion from the direction of the kitchen.

"Grayson!" Midnighter and Tiger yelled together before they took off down the hall. 

All the other members of Spyral started running towards the explosion along with the girls. 

Once everyone got there, Grayson came out covered head-to-toe in grey mushy stuff.

"I said make eggs and boil water, NOT MAKE AN EXPLOSION!" Midnighter yelled. 

"I DID! I put the water on and then made scrambled eggs!" Dick said.

"That's not scrambled eggs, that's scrambled kitchen!" Midnighter yelled. 

"Why is it grey?" Matron Helena asked. 

"Why IS it grey? Aren't eggs yellow?" one of the girls asked. 

"Grayson, what are you covered in?" Tiger asked. 

"Eggs. I'm covered in eggs." Dick said. 

"Anything else?" Matron asked.

"Oatmeal." Richard said. 

"Why were you making oatmeal?" Matron asked. 

"It's a dish I had when I was younger! Eggs, oatmeal, and sausage! And maybe, if we brought in more money that week, we'd get bacon!" Dick laughed. 

"It's best when it's a cold day and you have it with hot chocolate. And then you get to cuddle and have fluffy blankets. And the Zitka grabs you and pulls you close 'cause she gets jealous when we all cuddle without her 'cause even big elephants need to be warm and loved! It's just a great day!" Dick sighed at the end.  

"You cuddle with an elephant?" Midnighter asked. 

"Yep! She has these big floppy ears that she uses as a blanket with you, as long as you don't mind cuddling next to her cheek. Oh! And she always holds me with her trunk! Everyone else has to cuddle wherever, but Zitka loved to put me next to her." Richard smiled fondly. 

"How does this explain how the kitchen blew up?" Tiger asked. 

"Oh, that? I don't know how that happened." Dick said, embarrassed and rubbing the back of his neck. 

Helena sighed, "No more kitchens for you."

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