Arrest Part 2 (BPD Style)

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Request by: wildrocker508; "This is in desperate need of a part two except with the girls please"

Without further ado:


NOTE: This is a prequel sequel!

"Uhhh...Rookie. Why are the two girls I pulled in at your desk? And why do you have my reports on them?" Lolli asked.

"Cause I got this one." Richard said.

"You're not the arresting officer." Lolli said.

Grayson glared at Lolli, "I. Have. This."

He walked back to his desk before Lolli could do anything.

Except, that pissed Lolli off.

She immediately went to Chief Addad.

"Who does that Rookie think he is? He took my reports and the kids I pulled in!" Lolli angrily growled at Addad.

"What?" Addad asked in disbelief.

"He took my report and the kids I brought in." Lolli said.

Addad was taken aback, Grayson had never done something like that before.

Chief Addad stood up and walked into the main room with all the desks in it.

"What were you two thinking?!" Richard glared at the two girls.

"The jerk had it coming!" The girl with blonde hair yelled.


"That was Cass' fault!" The blonde argued.

"Stephanie, that's NOT the point!" Grayson yelled back.

"The jerk was making unsavory remarks at us. He even touched Cass' back!" The blonde, Stephanie, yelled.

"Why didn't you call us then?" Dick asked.

"The police? Everyone is corrupt! It's like Gotham!" Stephanie exclaimed.

"That was Chief Redhorn." Richard said, "See that man? That's Chief Addad. This is probably the cleanest police force on the planet."

"Would the police have gotten there on time?" Stephanie argued.

"The police might not have. But I would. Your big brother's got your back, Steph." Richard smiled at Stephanie.

Stephanie looked down and shuffled her feet.

"I'm still getting used to having big brothers." Steph blushed.

Cass quietly nodded.

"I know." Dick said, looking fondly at them.

"However, I'm not your guardian anymore. Bruce has to punish you. But...I think I might be able to postpone your grounding for an hour if someone sees an ice cream shop." Richard said, smiling slyly at them both.

Cass and Steph looked at each other.

"Actually, I think we passed one on our way here! On first and third street!" Stephanie said.

"First and Thrid Street." Cass corrected.

"You mean Papa's Ice Cream Shop?" Dick asked.

"Yeah!" They both nodded eagerly.

"I don't believe I've ever been there." Richard smirked.

"Roadtrip!" Cass smiled.

Grayson laughed loudly.

"Yep! And piggyback rides!" Dick threw Cass onto his back.

Cass giggled as Richard grabbed Steph's hand and they all headed out.

"Grayson can't grant immunity, can he?" Lolli asked.

"Let them go. Those are his sisters. He rarely has to yell at them. It's the boys we have to watch out for." Amy explained.

"Grayson's family is weird." Shalt said.

"Well, his adopted family is." Amy said.

"Wait. What?" They all looked at her confused.

"That's his adopted sisters. His real family is...gone." Amy said.

"Gone as in..." Shalt was asking for more.

"Dead." Amy said.

"Oh gosh!" Ylang frowned.

"Let him have fun with them." Amy told Lolli.

Lolli nodded.

A/N: This didn't turn out as I wanted. Idk. I don't love it, but I don't hate it.

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