The Kitchen (BPD)

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"So, you're saying that you aren't allowed to be in a kitchen or touch any of the appliances?" Lolli asked.

"Yep!" Dick nodded.

"Bull. You're just trying to get out of work!" Malkore accused.

"I'm honestly not allowed." Richard said, putting his hands up.

"How do you eat every day then?" Shalt asked.

"Take-out, order food, sandwiches, *Lunchables, SOMETIMES I can microwave things. But I burn toast." Richard said. (*NOT SPONSORED!) 

"Wow. You are super unhealthy." Lolli said.

"Eh. Exercise evens it out, right?" Richard asked.

"No. No it does not." Malkore said.

"I want proof!" Lolli said, "I bet you only need to adjust to the appliances!"

"I've tried cooking in 3 different kitchens, multiple times each. Trust me, it's not the appliances." Dick said.

"Nope! You're trying!" Shalt said, pushing Richard to the kitchen.

Richard looked at Amy.

"You're the only one who hasn't cooked yet, Rookie. It's only fair." Amy said, shrugging.

Dick sighed and walked to the kitchen.

"Just have a take-out menu ready." Richard said.


 Everyone was doing their work peacefully when an explosion happened.

From the kitchen.

"Oh shit!" They all heard Grayson scream.

He came out, grabbed a fire extinguisher, then ran back in.

Everyone stared at the door.

"You...You were serious. You were telling the truth!" Amy said, looking wide-eyed at the mess of the kitchen.

"Yep. Now, where's that menu?" Richard asked.


After lunch was eaten, they decided to clean the kitchen.

But before they could get it all clean, Chief Addad came in.

"What. Happened. Here?" he asked.

Everyone stopped.

"It's my day off. I get one day on the weekdays and the weekends every month, but since we are short-staffed, I only get this 1 day in the whole MONTH. So tell me, why I got a call about an explosion on MY DAY OFF!" Addad screamed the last part.

He took a deep breath.

"I'm not an angry guy. I don't yell a lot. And I let you guys do what you want to do. I work hard. All I ask is for one day off. So, explain,  what. happened." Addad said calmly. 

"It was my fault, sir." Richard said, head looking down.

"No, it was my fault." Lolli said.

"It was me." Malkore stepped up.

Everyone stepped up.

"We all had something to do with it, sir." Ylang said.

:We all encouraged Grayson to cook even after he told said that he wasn't allowed to. He told us that he wasn't a good cook. And we all made him cook, even after he told us." Amy said.

Everyone nodded, except Richard who was still behind everyone with his head down.

"I'm sorry." a tiny voice said.

Addad turned to Richard.

"I mess up everything. I-I wasn't good enough." Dick's voice quivered.

"Rookie. You told them about it, but they didn't listen. They know now. It's behind us now. Stop crying. I'm not mad anymore." Addad said, holding Richard to him as Richard literly cried on his shoulder.

It was everyone else's turn to look down.

"You're okay, Rookie. Now, let's go. You've got the never-ending paperwork to finish!" Addad smirked, slapping Dick's back.

Richard gave a small laugh as he dried his eyes.

Never-ending, indeed! 

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