Gone With the Wind Part 3 (Version 2)

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Part 3: Gone.

VERSION 2!!! (Version 1 is what really happened.)

WARNING: Yelling, Screaming, GUNS, Cigarettes

Robin, Damian Wayne, was currently sitting in the Watch Tower at the computer.

"Hey, kiddo, what are you doing?" Flash, Barry Allen, asked.

"Who killed him?" Damian asked, looking sharply at Flash.

"What?" Barry was taken aback.

"WHO KILLED NIGHTWING?!" Damian screamed, pulling Flash by his collar closer to his face.

"I-I-I don-" Flash started.

"THAT'S A LIE! IT'S NOT IN THE FILES! WHO KILLED RICHARD?" Damian interrogated, not noticing that he slipped.

"Damian, sometimes people just die." Wonder Woman said.

"Not Grayson! He was perfectly fit, had a good diet, got plenty of exercise. He should not have just died suddenly!" Damian yelled.

"Damian. Little One. You're hurting. I know. We've all lost someone. But this isn't healthy. Sometimes we just have to let go." Wonder Woman said.

"NO! GRAYSON WAS ALL I HAD! HE CAN'T BE GONE! HE CAN'T BE DEAD!" Damian screamed, running out of the room.

"Hera, help us." Diana looked up.


"We're here today to remember a special member of our team. Nightwing. While he wasn't an actual member of the Justice League, he was a very important person. I think he was important to all of us. I don't need to tell you that he lit up a room when he walked in, or how he was Den Mother to Young Justice, or how he took one of our darkest members and his family and made them...brighter in a way." Superman said, talking at the podium.

They were honoring Nightwing's service today.

"He became a hero when he was just 8. He was the first Robin, the first sidekick, the first partner." Superman said.

Suddenly, a portal opened up on the Watch Tower.

Everyone got their weapons ready, even the staff pulled out their weapons.

With trained eye and hand, Will Quartz held up his 9mm black pistol with rose engravings in the sides of the barrel.

Suddenly, two men came out, one carrying a bandaged Nightwing!

The one checked a computer on his wrist.

"Right place and time. You might have missed a week though." The man who checked the computer said.

"Thank you." Nightwing smiled.

"No problem. Just don't do it again." The man in all white with gold accents said.

"No promises!" Nightwing smiled.

The man in white laughed and put Nightwing down.

"Well, then, we shall meet you in the future." The man with white said.

"Hopefully not in our future. But in your time." The man is black grunted.

"Mmmm. Either one works for me." Nightwing smirked.

The man in black growled deeply.

Nightwing laughed, "Classy girls don't kiss in bars, you fool!"

"Last time I check, this wasn't a bar. And you're not a girl. Nor very classy." The man in black said.

"Well, perhaps I've just started? And what Nightwing wants, Nightwing gets." Nightwing teased.

"Yes, sir." The man in white smirked.

"Damn." The man in black said.

"See ya later, boys!" Nightwing winked, wiggled his fingers, then turned, walking away.

He knew eyes were on his ass.

"Damn!" He heard the man in black say before the man in white pushed him back through the portal.

But not before getting a last glance.

"What the hell?!" Jason screamed.

"1, owe! 2, what?" Nightwing asked.

"You were gone! We thought you were dead! We held funerals and you just decide to waltz in here on your Honoring Day?" Jason screamed.

"Okay, I really had no control over those things. Plus, it takes time to build a time machine." Dick said.

"I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T DEAD!" Tim screamed and rushed to pull Richard into a hug.

"Nope! Was just forward in time. It was only 5 years, but a lot changes." Dick said.

"And who were those people?" Jason asked.

"No idea! They never told me their names. Just said that we'll meet soon." Richard said and shrugged.

"Well, Bruce won't believe this. He didn't even come to the funerals. Or here." Jason said.

Richard frowned deeply.

"I mean, I know I'm not actually dead, but you'd think he'd come to my funeral." Dick said, obviously upset.

"It's Bruce." Jason growled.

"Well, I'm going to go tell him and Alfred. And hopefully, we can get me to being alive status again." Richard said, frowning as he went through the teleporters.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Roy screamed.

"Just a normal superhero day." Jason said.

"I hate this job." Roy said.

"You and me both, bud." Jason said, pulling a cigarette out. 

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