Taking Care Of... (Part 3)

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WARNING: Fighting, Injuries, Attempted Murder, Damian's POV

Part 3: The Others

Damian narrowed his eyes as he found his target.

Jason Peter Todd, aka the Red Hood. 

Tt, pathetic name.

Damian quickly ran and jumped to the next building where Todd was with his back turned. 

Damian screamed as he brought his sword down. 

"What the- SHIT!" Hood yelled, moving out of the way. 

The sword came to were Jason's neck would have been if he didn't move. 

"Look, I ain't ganna fight you kid. I don't know who sent you, but go back to them." Jason said. 

Hurting children was one thing Todd would not do, at least his Father's files on Todd said so. 

Damian was going to play this to his advantage. 

"Jason Peter Todd, I am the one true heir to my father!" Damian yelled. 

"Your father? Do I know him? You're ganna have to give me something more to work with, kiddo. And how do you know my name?" Hood's eyes narrowed. 

"I am the son of Bruce Thomas Wayne and Talia Al Guhl. You will now die, Todd." Damian ran at Jason again. 

"Holy sh-" Jason's eyes were wide when he heard that. 

Damian struck.  


Damian smirked as he revved Todd's bike. 

The red light turned green and Damian was off to his next target.


Todd was all power, so his next target would be easier.

Timothy Jack Drake. 

He was not a Wayne, no matter what that adoption paper says. 

None of them were.

None except himself, as he was the only blood son of his father. 

Drake would go down easy. 


Damian smirked as he swung Drake's utility belts over his shoulders. 

He hopped back onto Todd's motorcycle. 

Next target.

He would not stop. 

Not until they were all gone.


Stephanie Crystal Brown. 

Damian watched as he stalked her in her mother's apartment. 

Tt. 5 pancakes, 3 slices of bacon, and 2 spoonfuls of eggs. 

Fat girl. 


Yes, that 'nickname' that Grayson taught him about would come in handy. 

Brown will be Fatgirl. 


Damian threw Brown's purple cape around him. 

He flopped the hood up.

He was going to need everything he could get to blend into the shadows. 

His next target was more skilled then the rest. 

Cassandra Shiva Cain. 

He snuck in the shadows, following her.

Suddenly she turned and threw baterangs at him.

It was on.


Damian smirked as he FINALLY caught her off guard with a finishing punch. (*1)


He was the only child of his Father!

Damian smirked proudly as he went home to the Manor. 


Grayson stood in the doorway, watching Damian get off Todd's bike. 

"Damian...where did you get all of this?" Grayson asked. 

"They are rewards." Damian said.

"Rewards from what?" Grayson asked. 

"Rewards from defeating my opponents." Damian said. 

"And what opponents would that be?" Grayson asked.

"Father's fake children." Damian said.

"'Fake children?'" Grayson asked. 

"I am the one true son of Bruce Wayne. You are the only one that I refuse to try to defeat. I can defeat everyone else. And I have." Damian said.

"Are you afraid to challenge me?" Grayson smirked.

"Of course not!" Damian yelled. 

"Awweee! You are!" Grayson laughed. 

"Of course I am not. I will take you down right here, right now!" Damian yelled.

"No, you won't. Because that's bad. Damian, they are all your brothers and sisters even if they aren't blood. They will always be your siblings. No matter what happens, they are family. And we protect family here. Not fight them." Grayson said, looking Damian in the eyes. 

Family, huh?

"You're apart of this family, Dami. You always will be. So, like we protect you, you protect us. Because you belong here with us." Grayson smiled. 

Did I really though?

Grayson put his arms around Damian. 

"I love you Damian. And you're here with us. So, please, put away the tough guy act and just be you. Be Damian." Grayson said. 

That is when I realized that I was not with Mother anymore.

I was with Father. 

And Father was not like my Mother. 

A/N: This ended in a direction I wasn't really expecting. I kind of planned it where Dick would be a bit over-protective and angry about Damian hurting his other siblings. And somehow make Damian see his errors and accept that they were family. I'm not sure how I ended up with this.

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