The Murderous Duo Part 2

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"Jay, are you in position?" Damian asked Jay, Jason, over the comm links.

"Yes. Ready to do this." Jason said, putting his steampunk goggles over his eyes.

Jason Todd, aged 20, had on a black body suit, red boots, a dark brown opened trench coat, a red utility belt, black fingerless gloves, and steampunk goggles.

On his body suit, on his chest, was a red bird.

And his goggles were black with gold and dark brown accents, dark red lenses made sure no one saw his eyes.

Jay was the hero he became after he turned 18 and grew out of the Robin persona.

Tim then took the Robin persona.

But he also grew out of it, thus giving it to Bruce.

Tim, however, became Cardinal.

Cardinal wore a red body suit, a black mask, a two-toned cape with black on the outside and red on the inside, a black utility belt, black boots, and black gloves.

"Cardinal, position?" Batman asked.

"In position. Ready." Tim replied.

"Superman?" Damian asked.

"He's in there and so is Richard." Superman said.

"Can we go now?" Arsenal asked, getting impatient, wanting Richard back.

"Not yet." Damian said.

"What are we waiting for?" Wonder Girl asked.

"The time." Batman growled.

He heard a few people sigh into the comms.

"Now!" Damian yelled suddenly.

Everyone jumped into action.


The lights inside the apartment went out.

"Richard?" Slade called out.

"It wasn't me." Dick said.

Slade's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, glass sprayed all over the floor as someone flew into the room.

But it wasn't just one window.

Many someones came into the apartment.

'Ah, an ambush.' Slade smirked.

He had been expecting it for some time.

However, there were too many bodies for just the Batfamily, Slade noticed.

'The Bat must have brought the cavalry.' Slade almost laughed at that.

It was funny how they thought they had a chance against him.

"Richard, fight." Deathstroke ordered.

Dick pulled out his guns while Slade pulled out his guns.

Shots were fired and lit up the room.

Flashes of hero costumes were seen as bullets and shells ran down.




Wonder Woman.


Slade was a bit impressed that Dick caused such a stir in the cape community.

But that just meant more leverage.

Deathstroke took out a grenade and was about to throw it at an unsuspecting hero when he was tackled to the ground.

The grenade, pin still in, fell to the ground and rolled away.

"Slade." A voice dripped with venom.

It promised of a slow, painful death.


Richard really didn't want to.

But he had to fight them.

Slade wanted it.

And what Slade wanted, he got.

Just like how he got him.

It was a dark, rainy night in Gotham.

Batman was a couple blocks away, talking to Commissioner Gordon.

But the few minutes he was away was enough time for Deathstroke to start his plans.

Slade came up to Richard, and grabbed him tightly from behind.

"Don't scream." Slade said, hand over Richard's mouth.

Richard looked up with wide eyes to see the black and orange mask.

"I have probes in your family. One push of this button here," Deathstroke pulled out a trigger, "and they die...Unless you do exactly what I ask you to."

The hand left his mouth.

"W-Why?" Dick was terrified to know why.

"Because you fascinate me. I want you to be with me. As my apprentice." Deathstroke said.

Tears came down.

He didn't want to be by the madman anymore.


He wanted Damian to save him.

He wanted his Damian.

Richard started panicking as someone tightly grabbed him from behind.

"It's okay, Dickie. You're safe now." A taller man said.


His younger brother was reassuring him.

Richard felt terrible.

It shouldn't have been like this.

He should have been with his brothers, bonding with them over the years.

Instead, he only knew Jason by name, face, and voice.

All he knew was that Jason liked the color red.

Dick's eyes grew wet.

The last time he saw Jason, Jason was 10.

He had just came to live in the Manor, not even a week had passed before Richard was taken.

So, Richard didn't really know any of his brothers.

But he knew he had to protect them.

Just like he did Damian and Alfred.

"You're safe now. It's okay." He heard Jason say.

Dick wasn't aware of the tears falling down his face.

Part 3 may happen. (I am TOTALLY not getting carried away with this one.)

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