Young Justice Shouldn't Do... Part 2

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Part 2: Build Things

"Guys! I got the bookcase! We just need to set it up!" Kid Flash said, running into the room carrying a box.

"Cool! Let's start!" Robin smiled.


"No, that doesn't go there!" Red Arrow yelled angrily.

"Are you sure this goes here, Zantanna?" Rocket asked.

"That's that piece right?" Kid Flash asked.


"Just call the Justice League already!" Roy yelled.

He was so pissed right now.

"No! We have it!" Kid Flash yelled.

"Kid Flash!" Roy yelled.

"Guys! Watch out!" Robin yelled.

He fell over and onto of Superboy.

Unfortunately, he was holding his utility belt that fell onto the ground, one of the pockets opened up and out flew the lead container holding the kryptonite.

It opened up.

Superboy groaned and fell back again.

"Superboy!" Megan called out.

"Megan, wait!" Artemis yelled.

It was too late though.

Everyone went toppling down.


Black Canary, Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, Icon, Zatara, Martian ManHunter, and Aquaman walked into the living room/kitchen.

They immediately stopped.

There, the Team was in a pile on top of a pile of wood.

"Do I want to know?" Black Canary asked.

"We're glued together!" Zantanna yelled.

"One of you is a Kryptonian." Black Canary said.

"Robin's belt opened and the kryptonite fell out when he fell!" Rocket said.

"Aqualad is under all of us!" Robin pointed out.

The Justice League started to untangle them.

"How did you manage to glue yourselves together?" Aquaman asked in utter confusion.

"Don't ask." Megan sighed.

No one spoke about that day again.

But a rule was made.

The Young Justice wasn't allowed to try to build anything anymore.

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