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WARNING: Jason's language is bad 

"Hey, Dick, are you ready to- What is this?" Tim asked as he came into Richard's room.

His bed was covered in seashells. 

"Oh! Heya, Timmy! Do you like it? It's my collection of seashells!" Dick smiled brightly.

Tim blinked once, then twice, then three times.

"It's not the weirdest thing you've done before." Tim shrugged.


"Did you guys know that Dick collects seashells?" Tim asked at breakfast.

Bruce gave a short laugh before he said, "He has several collections! Seashells aren't the weirdest he has!"

"Seriously? What else does he have?" Tim asked.

"I think the most useless he has is spools of thread. He doesn't even sew!" Bruce said.

"That's not useless!" Stephanie said.

"To him it is. Again, he doesn't know how to sew." Bruce said.

"What else?" Tim asked.

"Why don't you go ask him?" Bruce suggested.


"Hey, Dick, what else do you collect?" Tim asked.

"Paint swatches!" Dick pulled out a box full to the brim of paint swatches, "They're so pretty!"

"Anything else?" Tim asked.

"Oh! I have this box of random spark plugs!" Richard pulled it out from under his bed, like he did the other boxes.

"Why do you need a box of spark plugs?" Tim asked.

"I don't know. I just started picking them up. It's grown since then." Richard said.

Tim just nodded.


"He also collects paint swatches and spark plugs." Tim told everyone at lunch.

"He's still collecting paint swatches? He started that when he was 15! I thought he grew out of it!" Bruce frowned. 

"He has a whole box of them under his bed." Tim said.

"Spark plugs?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. I kid you not, spark plugs."  Tim said.

"Da fuck he needs with spark plugs?" Jason asked.


"Here's my collection of nail polish! And make-up!" Richard smiled, pulling out two boxes.

"How do you fit all the boxes under there?" Tim asked, trying to lift the comforter so he could see.

"Don't touch that." Richard deadpanned. 

"Ooookay." Tim left the comforter alone.

'What didn't he want me to see?' Tim thought.


One day when Richard was at Bludhaven at his work, the Bludhaven Police Department, Tim snuck into his room.

He pulled the comforter off Richard's bed and took a look under his bed.

Underneath his bed, from bed frame to bed frame, all ways, were boxes.

Tim took them all out.

"BRUCE!" Tim screamed.

Bruce showed up a few moments later, along with everyone else.

"What is this?" Bruce asked.

"It's all of Dick's collections." Tim said.

"Make-up, seashells, rocks, spark plugs- huh! You weren't kidding about those!" Jason said in surprise.

"Stamps, stuffed animals, perfume-is that dish soap?" Alfred asked. 

"Yep." Tim said.

"Pictures, chopsticks, does he seriously have little bottles of alcohol?" Bruce asked. 

"Looks like it. None are open though." Tim said, shifting through the box.

"Phone cases, candles, decorative tape, fashion ideas-are those dog toys?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh my gosh. He has a problem." Jason said with wide eyes.

"Lottery tickets." Cass pointed to a box.

"Is that a secret stash of candy bars?" Stephanie asked, grabbing some of her favorites. 

"Guys, look at this one." Jason pointed to a box.

It was full of Joker cards.

"I think we should put these all back and forget this ever happened." Tim said.

"No. He has some issues. We need to talk about it." Bruce said.


"Richard, it's my fault for not stopping you at the paint swatches. But your collections have gone too far." Bruce said.

Richard glared at Bruce. 

"Dickie, it's time to let them go." Leslie said.

"B-B-But. They're my collections. And I-I-I can't stop! I started another one yesterday!" Richard started crying. 

"It's okay, Richard. We'll help you out together." Leslie smiled at him.

"The pamphlets were brightly colored! I can't help it that I'm attracted to bright, shiny, and cute things!" Dick sobbed. 

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay, Dickie! No one is blaming you! It's fine! It'll all be okay!" Leslie said. 

Don't ask, lol XD

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