Red and Black

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Jason frowned as he slid down his bedroom wall.

He had his switchblade knife in his hand and his sleeve pulled up.

Already quite a few cuts littered his wrist.

He made a few more.

Then, Dick, the dick his is, barged into his room without knocking.

"Jay, we got th-" Richard immediately stopped talking.

He stared wide eyed at Jason.

"J-Jason." Richard stuttered.

"Go away, Dick." Jason said, but didn't have any of his usual pizazz behind it.

"Jay. Jason. Jay, what are you doing?" Richard asked, looking at Jason's wrist.

Jason gave a short laugh, "What does it look like to you?"

"It looks like you were going to put the knife down." Dick tried.

Jason snorted, "Not tonight, Dickie."

"Jason, you don't have to do this." Richard said carefully.

"Don't have to? DON'T HAVE TO? Shut up. You don't know what it's like, Golden Boy. Always Bruce's favorite. You could never do wrong. You've never had daddy dearest's disapproval. It's all sunshine and fucking rainbows to you! All you have is smiles and fucking hugs. You have the luxury of that. But the rest of us don't! You don't understand and you never will! So get out you fucktard!" Jason screamed.

Richard swallowed the lump in his throat, "I can't do that, Jason. Not until you give me the knife."

"Fat chance that will be. Just go and be daddy's favorite. You'll forget about me as will Bruce and everyone else. Just like the first time." Jason said bitterly.

"Jason. We didn't forget about you after you first died. Bruce built a Robin memorial in the Bat-cave! He nearly went insane! Tim cut himself off and Alfred felt horrible ever since. He stopped smiling." Richard said, not believing that his brother felt this way.

"Yeah, right. And what about you? Did you celebrate now that you could have all of Bruce's attention again?" Jason asked.

"No. Gosh, no! Jason, I cried. For days! I didn't leave my bed for weeks! My boss literally had to come to my apartment and knock my door down! And even when I started being Nightwing again, I was too sad. And when the Joker first got back out? I killed him. Because of what he did to you. He didn't just take away a Robin. He took away my brother!" Richard screamed at the end.

"W-What?" Jason was taken aback.

Dick killed the Joker...for him?

Jason started to giggle quietly.

The Golden Boy broke Bruce's one rule. To not kill.

And for him.


The lost son of Bruce. The failure of Batman. The murderer of the family.

But Richard, the Golden Boy, Dick-head, murdered the Joker for the black sheep of the family.

And for whatever reason, Jason found that sad and hilarious.

'Was he insane?' Jason asked himself as he laughed and cried at the same time.

"No." Richard said, gathering his brother into his arms, "You're perfect."

And Jason could believe that.

If only for the moment.

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