Taking Care Of...(Part 2)

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Part 2: Nicknames and Ice Cream

"Oh! Ice cream! Let's get some, Dames!" Dick smiles at Damian before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the ice cream shop.

"Dames?" Damian asked in confusion.

"Short for Damian. You know, a nickname." Richard said.

"Nick...name?" Damian was all sorts of confused now.

"A shorter version of your name. My name is Richard, but everyone calls me Dick." Richard said.

Damian's nose crinkled, "A nickname is ridiculous, Grayson! I demand you call me by my proper name!" 

"Nah. How about Dami? I like Dami. What ice cream flavor do you want?" Dick asked. 

"You will not call Dami. My name is Damian. You will address me by that." Damian said, with a matter-of-fact tone.

"One Mango ice cream and Dames here will have..." Dick left it open for Damian to order.

"Vanilla." Damian said, deciding that that flavor was safe to choose.

"Vanilla? No, come on Damian!" Richard groaned.

"I will try Vanilla." Damian said.

"Come on, Dami, try a different flavor." Dick encouraged.

"Vanilla!" Damian pouted.

Richard sighed, "Fine. One Mango and one Vanilla."

They finally got their order and sat down at a retro red vinyl booth.

Damian took his first bite and was surprised. 

"This is what ice cream is?" Damian asked.

"Yeah, normally you put other toppings on it or have a different flavor. Why you ask?" Dick asked.

"I...I have never had ice cream. Mother would not allow it. And we were not near any ice cream shops." Damian said.

Richard stopped mid-bite. 

"You're kidding!" Dick said with wide eyes. 

"I do not kid, Grayson." Damian said. 

"No. If this is your first ice cream experience, you're getting the full deal!" Richard had the biggest, brightest smile on his face that Damian had ever seen. (Of course, Damian only knew him for a week.)

Richard went back up and ordered a Vanilla bowl with all the toppings on it. 

He brought it back and sat down, putting the bowl in front of Damian. 

"Grayson, this is ridiculous." Damian said with crossed arms.

"No, this is your first ice cream. We're making it special."Dick said.

Damian's nose crinkled, but he took a bite of the "monstrosity". 

It was WAY too sweet for Damian's taste. 

He shivered as he swallowed his bite. 

"See Dami! Ain't that good?" Richard smiled. 

"No! There is way too much sugar! How do you eat that?" Damian asked as Richard scooped up a bite.

"Are you kidding? This is every kid's dream!" Dick smiled. 

"Not mine." Damian pushed the bowl away from him and went back to his plain Vanilla cup. 

"Dames! Come on!" Richard puppy-dogged.

"No. I will finish my Vanilla, but that is all." Damian said. 

Dick shrugged and finished both his Mango and Vanilla All-Topping bowls.

He couldn't force the kid to eat. 

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