Time, Come Back To Me

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Inspired by "In The Light" and "Gale Song" by The Lumineers. 


Richard Grayson stared out the window.

He seemed to be doing a lot of that.

"Grayson, are you okay?" Amy asked.

Dick looked at her with tired, worn eyes.

"I will be." Richard said and went back to the window, ignoring the paperwork and stares.


Dick sighed.

Chief Addad had told him to take vacation because he wasn't 'all there.'

Richard sighed again.

He knew he wasn't.

But he really didn't want to be alone.


Dick looked out his apartment window.

It was dark.

Nightwing should be out.

But Dick didn't feel like it.

He watched as some cars went by.


"Richard, you have to move sometime." He heard.

He didn't know who was talking or who was in his room.

Some female.

Someone familiar.

But not familiar enough.

Dick stared out the window.


"Dick, this is unhealthy." He heard the male voice boom.

Still, he didn't move.

He remembers being picked up.

He was put into a car.

He stared out the window.


"Master Richard, please eat." He heard.

Alfred's voice was easily identifiable.

But still, he didn't move.

Still, he stared out the window.


"Richard, what's the matter?" He heard.

A female voice.

No one he knew though.

He stared out the window.


"Grayson! Damn it! Get up, you useless piece of trash!" Someone screamed. 

He didn't move.

What was the point?


"Why won't he do anything?" Tim asked.

Someone moved.

Dick didn't look.


 "Richard." A voice said.

He stared out the window.

"It's okay. You're okay." The voice said.

He didn't move.

"Dickie, I know it hurts. But you have to move. You can't just lay still. Dickie, come on. Get up." The voice encouraged.

He didn't want to.

What was the point?

"Richard, we all know you didn't mean to. I'm not sure what happened, but Dick...you're okay." The voice said.

Was he?

Was he really?

"Dickie, everything is fine. Everyone is fine. You did a good job." The voice said.

He didn't feel okay.

Richard moved to look into his adopted father's eyes.

Broken, sad, tired, sore, lost, and shattered.

"Richard. You're alive. You're okay." Bruce said, holding Dick's head in his hands.

He wasn't.

He never truly was.

"Time, give me my yesterday." Dick whispered.

Bruce looked at him in sadness.

"I can't. No one can, Dickie." Bruce said.

Richard looked away.

"Dickie. You have help though. Move on. It's okay. No one will be mad." Bruce said.

Could Dick really move on?

"You can." Bruce encouraged.

Did he want to?

"Come on Dickie, we can make it together. You have help from everyone." Bruce said.

Dick's eyes closed.




He didn't want to.

A/N: No idea what this is. I just felt sad when I heard the songs, so I made this.

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