Red Apprentice

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"What's this? A little birdie out of the nest?" Red X asked walking a circle around Robin.

Robin was currently on a rooftop, trying to realign himself with the map that had Slade's location on it.

"What do you want Red X?" Robin asked after a sigh.

"I want you." Red X didn't beat around the bush.

"Me?" Robin was shocked, "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to be my apprentice." Red X said.

"Apprentice?! What is with villains and wanting to make me their apprentice?" Robin was so confused.

"You proved that you were a good villain when you were Slade's apprentice and when you made this suit." Red X said, "Can't blame me for going after skill and potential."

"Hey! I should be the one in that suit and YOU should be MY apprentice!" Robin yelled.

"But you're so moldable! We'd be unstoppable if we teamed up! Think of everything you ever wanted. You could have it if you teamed up with me." Red X said.

"I'm not going to be your apprentice." Robin said, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Too late. I'm a thief, I take what I want." Red X smiled.

Before Robin could move, knock out gas was swirling around Robin, effectively knocking him out.

"I've got you." A sweet voice said as Red X grabbed his body that was falling to the rooftop.

"I've got you." The voice was possessive.


When Robin woke up next, he noticed that he was curled up in a bed underneath a few blankets and a comforter.

When he pulled off all the blankets and comforter, he saw that he was dressed in a black body suit with a red x over the left breast, grey gloves, grey utility belt, a two-toned cape (black on the outside, grey on the inside), grey boots, and his mask was still only covering his eyes, but there was a red x on it.

Robin snapped.

"I WILL NOT Be ANYONE'S APPRENTICE EVER AGAIN!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Of course not. You're my apprentice. Mine and no one else's." Red X said, coming in, holding a tray.

He put it down on the bed.

Robin looked at it.

The tray had a glass of cold orange juice, a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast, a cup of milk, and a bowl of fruit.

"Is that for... me?" Robin asked in uncertainty.

"Yes. It's your first day, better start it off right!" Red X smiled.

Robin could get used to this...


"You're going to need a new name if you want to protect your identity." Red X said.

"That's pointless. I'm wearing a mask that only covers my eyes, everyone knows I'm Robin." Robin frowned.

"Hmmm...we might need to change the mask." Red X pondered.

"Nah. I wore the same mask with Slade. Everyone knows I was Slade's apprentice. I'm just surprised that no one from the hero community has got that news." Robin said.

"So, it'll be no surprise that you're my apprentice now?" Red X asked.

"Nope." Robin said.

Red X frowned.

"Maybe a costume change?" he pondered.


In the end, Red X was the one with a costume change.

His costume was ripped in several pieces after the Titans and Robin took him down.

Robin slipped into his Robin costume.

He sighed.

It felt good to be in his costume again!

Just something a bit different.

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