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WRITTEN FOR: enigmista-18. I'm sorry I made you upset. Here's a funny fic as a form of apology. 

"Do you guys ever noticed how...magnetized Dick gets to stuff?" Tim asked.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Just watch him when he finds something he's interested in." Tim says.

When Richard came down for breakfast, his eyes immediately lit up as he made a beeline directly to the cereal.

Like, how magnets attract to each other.

"Huh." was all the noise Bruce could make.


The next incident where this occurred, was with Alfred.

Of course Alfred heard what Tim said, but didn't believe him at first.

Until he took Richard to the store for the first time in years.

(That's a story for another time.)

Anyways, Alfred soon found out that Tim was in fact, correct.

Whenever Dick found something he liked, he was right there, holding or touching it.

By the time Alfred got all the groceries and to the check-out counter, Dick had put several stuffed animals, candies, and a few toys into the cart.

Alfred didn't have the heart to take them out.


Jason was with him next when it happened.

He and Dick were just walking downtown Gotham when something caught Richard's eye.

"OH!" Dick immediately went to whatever caught his eye.

Jason however, got a bit caught up in the crowds.

"Shit! Golden Boy, get back here! If I lose you in Gotham, Bruce will kill me!" Jason yelled.

Eventually, Jason got to where Dick was standing, staring at chocolates with his head cocked to the side.

"Can we get some?" Richard asked with wide eyes.

"Why are you asking me? I ain't your damn keeper!" Jason said.

Richard squealed and grabbed Jason's arm before yanking him into the chocolate shop.


The Bat-family was with Alfred shopping when it happened again.

Except it was different this time.

A faint "Oh!" was heard before Damian took off.

He came back carrying a case for artist supplies.

"Grayson, can I?" Damian asked, tugging on Richard's sleeve.

Dick light up like a fucking Christmas tree!

And that was when Bruce realized that Damian had spent WAY TOO MUCH time with Richard.

But at least his boy was acting more like the 10 year-old he is. 

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