"Eat This"

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"Here, try this." Richard put a forkful of potato salad into Damian's mouth.  

Damian hummed. 

"Good." Damian approved. 

"Maybe Alfred could get the recipe?" Dick smiled. 

"Yes." Damian nodded.


The family was at a 5-star restaurant. 

"Try this!" Dick put a piece of sushi from his chopsticks into Damian's mouth. 

"Another, please." Damian asked.  

Richard obliged with another piece. 

"What are you two doing?" Steph asked. 

"Sharing is caring, Steph!" Dick smiled. 

"Only food with Grayson." Damian said. 

"But sharing is caring!" Jason mocked, trying to get food from Damian's plate. 

Damian slapped his hand away. 


"Try." Dick popped Cheddar and Bacon flavored popcorn into Damian's mouth. 

"That is weird." Damian said. 

"I know! Now keep eating it." Richard said, feeding Damian again. 

"Why did it taste so weird at first?" Damian asked. 

"No idea." Richard said, eating a handful. 


"He's like a mother feeding a newborn child or toddler." Bruce said. 

"I'm sure." Alfred nodded. 

After the magnetized thing, Alfred believed them. 

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