The Murderous Duo

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WARNING: I have messed around.

"Bang Bang." Richard said as he shot two people in their heads.

Blood splattered against the floor and wall.

Suddenly, glass shattered as a figure rolled into the room.

"Grayson, you will stop." A tall Batman said.

"Why should I?" Richard gave an insane smirk.

"Because I won't stand for this. Not in my city." The Batman growled.

"Sure you won't. Damian." Dick laughed loudly as he pulled out a grenade.

He quickly threw it at Batman and ran, jumping out the window.


"How was patrol tonight?" Bruce Wayne, 11 years old, asked.

"Richard Grayson came out tonight. But he was without Deathstroke. He killed two people." Damian said, pulling off his cowl.

Damian Wayne was 35 years old and in great shape.

He was also the Batman, but most importantly, he was a father.

Bruce Wayne, his 11 year old, was his biological son, left here by his mother when he was 10.

Before him though, Damian adopted Jason Todd, now 20, after he tried to take Damian's car tires when he was 10.

After Jason though, he found Timothy Drake, now 17, when he was 9, abandoned by his rich parents.

But no matter how many children he had, Damian always felt like he was missing something.

It hadn't been the same since Richard left.

Richard Grayson, his first son, now 25, was brutally taken from him.

Deathstroke the Terminator was in Gotham one night when he saw Robin, Richard, his Dickie.

Slade's original plan was to finish his contract and leave Gotham to go to the next city.

But when he saw Robin, his plans changed.

Something made Slade want Richard.

And he would stop at nothing to have him.

And that's exactly what he did.

At that time, it was just Alfred, Damian, Richard, and Jason.

But that was enough leverage for Deathstroke.

Damian didn't find out about the microscopic probes until it was too late.

Deathstroke already had Richard in his control.

Because there was one thing that Richard cared about more than his life.

His family.

Richard was very emotionally dependent on his family.

He would do ANYTHING to keep them safe.

Even in his insanity, he was still protecting them.

Deathstroke, the monster, had fucked with Richard's mind.

But that was always the one thing that never changed about Richard.

He would always protect his family.

Dick had thrown away his own morals, his hopes, his dreams, everything, to keep his family safe.

And every time Damian broke the chains for Richard, Deathstroke would make more.

It broke his heart.

His first child, Richard, the friendliest and most emotional of his bunch, was trapped.

He couldn't come home.

All he could do was stay with Slade and obey him.

Only what Slade wants.

The only time Richard and Damian got to see each other in person was when Slade wanted to torment Damian.

Only when he wanted to show Damian what he had taken and destroyed.


His sweet little boy was now a murder, trapped by his loyalty to his family, tainted by Deathstroke forever.

While Damian looked at the security footage of Richard's break in and murders, he smirked.

He had a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all.

And to get his little bird back.

The Family of Bats (DRABBLES)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora