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Sum: What happens when there's a suspected confidentiality risk? You test it. (Continuation of 'Apartment'.)


"What do we do about Grayson?" Amy asked.

She was currently in Addad's office, the doors shut and locked and the blinds all drawn.

"I don't know. But we need to look into it." Addad said.

"Addad. Philip, he's a good cop. He's not corrupt. I know he isn't! But whatever he's mixed up in...He's a good cop, Chief. He is." Amy said.

"Rohrbach, you think that I don't know this. But this is a confidentiality risk now. We need to know what he is doing. More specifically, we need to know where he got this information and what he's doing with it." Addad said.

"What do you suggest then?" Amy asked, running her hand through her hair, "Send this to Internal Affairs?"

"We don't have an Internal Affairs unit." Addad said.

"So...what happens then? We don't send this to Gotham, right?" Amy asked.

"We have this sent to the next best thing we have. Our detectives." Addad said.

"Wait... Lolli, Malkore, and Anderson? They are going to take this case?" Rohrbach asked.

"I want this kept in the department. But Richard knows everyone. I don't want to have to bring in an outsider, but I will if I have to. Fortunately, there isn't enough evidence to bring in an outsider. We're looking on just suspicion alone." Addad said.

"So, what happens?" Amy asked.

"You're too close to him. I can't have you looking into him. You can always tell me or the detectives if you see anything suspicious. But I don't want you tipping Grayson off. Amy, this is really serious. And Gotham Internal Affairs is not the best IA to deal with." Addad said.

"You have my full coroperation. Because I want to know just as much as you do. But just remember, Richard is smarter then he lets on. You have to be really stealthy. And I hate to admit it, but maybe bringing in someone who isn't connected with him may be best. We all have a relationship with him." Amy said.

"No. This is to stay in this department. I wouldn't trust the detectives with this if I didn't think that they couldn't separate their personal and professional lives." Addad said.

"If, and this is only IF, he's corrupt and this going to court; You know how this will look on your side. The court will say that you were biased to this case." Amy said.

"I know. I'm willing to take that risk." Addad said.

"I hope you know what you are doing." Amy said.

"What do you think about Richard Grayson? Give me the truth." Addad said.

"He's my partner. He'd take a bullet for me and I'd take a bullet for him. But there's always been something about him that's...different. Weird. I always had a feeling that he was hiding something. He's a good kid. But I feel like he's doing something that isn't very legal." Amy said.

"Do you have any idea what he's doing? Amy...I like you as a cop. But this is the only out I'm giving you. You tell me everything you know about Richard Grayson." Addad said.

"I know that he's a great cop. And I know that whatever he's doing, he's doing it for others." Amy said.

"Is that all?" Addad asked.

"Yes. That's all I know about him. He's a good kid." Rohrbach said.

"Then that's that. Don't tell Grayson about what went on in here. That's an order, Rohrbach." Addad said.

"Yes, sir." Amy nodded sharply.

"Send the detectives in when you get out." Addad said.

"Yes, sir." Rohrbach nodded.

Amy walked out, sent the detectives in, and then immediately went to the bathroom.

She splashed water onto her face.

"Amy, you're a cop. A good cop. But he's your partner. I have to have his back. I have investigate him." Amy told herself in the mirror.

"Damn it. I have to investigate my partner." Amy sighed.

"What are you up to Grayson?" Amy asked.


"What?" Lolli asked.

"I have reason to believe that Grayson is doing illegal dealings. I need you three to investigate him discreetly. Amy knows that you're doing this. She's under orders not to tip him off. But I need you to look into him. I don't think that I have to tell you that this case need to be kept in this department. The press can't know. Your families can't know. This is between us and Amy. Grayson can't even know, you understand?" Addad asked, looking each one of them in the eyes.

"Yes, sir." Three voices echoed.

"Anything he does, I want to know. If he gets coffee, I want to know. I want you reporting in every hour on the dot. I want him followed. I want the truth." Addad said.

"And you'll get it." Malkore nodded.

"You're right about that." Addad said.


Amy zoomed in on her binoculars.

She was currently watching Grayson through his window.

All he was doing was eating cereal and watching TV.


"He seriously needs a hobby." Lolli said, getting bored of watching Grayson watch TV.

"Addad seriously thinks that he's doing illegal things? Grayson who spends his free time watching TV?" Anderson asked.

"We watch." Malkore said.

"Well, this will be a fun report. 'Yes, Chief Addad. All he did was watch TV and eat cereal. Very illegal.'" Anderson said.

"Phone call." Lolli said.


"Hello?" Richard answered his cell phone.

"Hello there, Boy Wonder." Barbara's voice said.

"Barbara. How are you?" Dick asked, smiling a bit.

"I think I should be asking you that." Barbara said.

"Well, I have some bagels but I need more coffee." Richard said.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." Barbara said, then hung up.


"What is this?" Addad asked, listening to the recording of the conversation.

He had to bug Richard's phone, but this was not what he was expecting.

"We believe that the 'bagels and coffee' part is a code. We are looking into this Barbara. But what we found is a bit big. Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Jim Gordon of the Gotham Police Department's daughter." Malkore said.

"We know that he has connections with big people. That's why this has to be secret." Addad said.

"He's hiding something and Barbara knows about it." Lolli said.

"You can't be saying that Jim Gordon's daughter is corrupt." Addad said.

"We are." Malkore said, finality in his voice.

Addad ran his fingers through his hair.

"This is getting out of control." Anderson said.

"Keep watching him." Addad said.

"Yes, sir." The three nodded. 

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