Support Your (Un)Local Politician!

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The Team was gathered in the living room in their civvies just having a hangout day. 

They had just gotten back from a tough mission yesterday that included flying to several different cities to round up a few key villains and stop all their plans.

So when they got back, they FINALLY had some time to relax!

And movie night with pizza was the winner. Thanks to the JLA credit card!

Superman came in to check on them as he was their "mother hen" for this week while Red Tornado was on a difficult mission of his own.

"What in the world are you wearing, Robin?" Superman asked bewildered.

Richard currently had his black converse shoes, black skinny jeans, black jacket, black sunglasses, and a new black shirt with a dark green logo on it. The logo itself was an L, for Lex Corp.

"Oh, this? I just got it the other day since Lex is running for president." Robin just smirked, knowing it was killing Clark that Lex was running for office.

Superman just grunted and left the room.

"Mr. Wayne, who would you vote for in this upcoming election?" A reporter asked Bruce.

Dick quickly stole the limelight and mic as he said, "I would personally vote for Lex Luther. His ideas are quite out there! It's time for some change. But I can't vote yet so I guess it doesn't matter, does it?"

Bruce cleared his throat, "As much as Lex is good at doing business, I'm not too confident in how he'd run our nation. Running a business and a nation are two very different things. Personally, Governor Reids seems more equipped to run our nation, but if Luther does get into the presidential office, I'd be very glad to see how it goes." Bruce smiled kindly.

The headline of the next Gotham Gazette read: Election Tears Families Apart!

Richard huffed as he got a Pepsi from the bartender. 

"Thank you." Dick smiled as he took the glass.

"One Cherry Pepsi, please." A deep voice spoke next to him. 

"Coming right up!" The bartender smiled.

"Well, I must say a thank you to you, Mr. Grayson." Lex Luthor was smiling down at him.

"Hello, Mr. Luthor. Although I'm not sure what you mean?" Dick smiled, a little confused.

"The impromptu interview the other day; The one you supported me in." Lex specified. 

"Ah, yeah! I got in a little trouble because of that. Something about how I'm not old enough to endorse people yet, or something like that." Dick gave off a care-free attitude. 

"Well, without your well placed endorsement, my numbers would still be down. I'm glad someone recognizes the good I'm trying to do." Lex smiled his billionaire smile. 

"Someone has to stand up for those that put others down. I'm glad you're trying to make more change then just letting this country burn itself down." Richard said.

"You know, I've found throughout my career that it's often times not the ones that have a voice that make the changes necessary to make, but the ones that don't have a voice that make the hardest impact. They're the ones that are often times more willing to speak up and be willing to make a change." Lex said, somewhat hinting. 

"I will say that you do work harder when you don't have a voice, but you're also more willing to do what it takes to have your voice heard." Dick said, nodding in understanding. 

"Would you like to go for a walk while we talk? It's a bit stuffy in here." Luthor asked.

"Okay, Alfred keeps the gardens full of pretty flowers!" Richard smiled and started leading Lex away from the gala.

As soon as they walked into the gardens, a flash of light caught them both off-guard. 

"Mr. Grayson, how did Bruce take your endorsement of Luthor?" a random reporter asked, somehow he got passed security. 

"Uhm... hi. You're not supposed to be back here." Dick frowned. 

"Just a few questions, I promise I'll leave right after!" The reporter said. He was quite young, probably new to this job and VERY excited to have said job. 

"If you promise to leave after, I won't report you." Richard sighed. 

"Promise!" The reporter held out his pinkie. 

Dick smiled and pinkie promised with him, "He was more upset that I was rude by taking the mic away. I wasn't trying to be." Dick blushed a bit. 

"Of course! You deserve your opinion though! Will we find you at the Luthor Campaign Office soon?" The reporter asked before sticking the mic back into Dick's face.

"Oh, well, I'm a full-time student and I'm not sure how exactly to support a politician at my age." Richard said honestly. 

"Volunteers are always needed, but don't feel like you have to commit to something just because a reporter is here." Lex said. 

"Oh! I assumed volunteers needed to be 18 or older?" Dick asked, head tilting in curiosity. (*1)

"I don't believe Metropolis has an age restriction." Luthor said.

"Well, I might swing by if I can!" Dick smiled kindly. 

"Great! One more question, do you really like galas?" The reporter ended the interview on a light note. 

"Honestly, I'd prefer the gardens." Richard laughed lightly. 

"Okay! Thank you so much Mr. Grayson, Mr. Luthor. Have a great night!" The reporter, true to his pinkie promise, left the gardens and snuck past security again. 

The next morning there was an "Insider Interview Exclusive: Dick Grayson and Lex Luthor!"  


Dick put the end of the green pen into his mouth as he contemplated the answer to his Trig homework. 

He was currently working on the couch in front of the TV.

"Where'd you get the pen?" Black Canary asked, eyebrows scrunched a bit. 

"Huh? Oh! I helped Lex with a few posters and he let me have a pen. It's a tax write-off, I'm sure." Dick chuckled, knowing how some games were played. 

"Okay, but do you honestly support Luthor?" Dinah asked. 

"No, but it makes Clark mad. In all honesty, I'm doing it so he treats Conner better." Richard said. 

Canary sucked in a breath, "Good luck with that." 

 "Yeah, that's what I'm thinking." Dick frowned. 

The TV news channel switched to the final election results.

"This just in, the final votes have been counted. Lex Luthor has won by a landslide." The young reporter, Jess Kimble, exclaimed. 

The screen switched to an interview with Lex Luthor himself. 

"Thank you for helping to make America a few steps closer to a safer, better version of itself in the next 4 years to come. And thank you to Richard Grayson for all the support. I hope your voice was heard loud and clear." Lex smiled at the cameras. 

Dinah stared, jaw open, at the TV. 

"In my defense, I didn't think he'd win just cause I said support him." Dick shrugged guiltily. 

(*1)- I don't know if there's an actual age restriction or limit for this stuff! 

Also, I'm not into politics, so I hope this came across okay! (I hate politics, really.)


~Raven <3

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