Greg, The Frying Pan

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How Damian got Greg. Richard's frying pan.

"Here's the pans box!" Richard smiled.

Light filtered into the box as Dick opened the cardboard box up.

He pulled out a frying pan.

"Greg! My frying pan! I'm putting you on the stove for now." Richard pulled Greg out of the box and placed him on the shiny stove.

"Suzie!" Dick smiled as he pulled out a large pot for cooking noodles in.

"And Cinnamon! By the time I'm done with you, you'll smell like cinnamon...or burnt cinnamon. I apologize in advanced." Richard said, setting the cookie sheet on the counter.

He spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking his things in the kitchen and organizing them all.


Damian sighed as he curled up on the couch.

"You sure you don't want to come sleep in the bed?" Richard asked.

"I'm sure." Damian said.

"Well, if you change your mind, the doors always open." Dick said.

Damian nodded, putting his headphones in so that he could listen to his music before he fell asleep.


It was hours later when something happened.

Grayson was so out of it that he didn't hear.

But Damian's headphones fell out while he slept, letting him hear what was around him.

Damian was slightly confused as to why he was awake at the moment.

Until he heard it.

It was a noise from the living room.

Damian was immediately sitting up, getting into assassin mode.

He looked around for a weapon, but found none.

'Dang it, Grayson! Why do you not sleep with a knife or gun or something?' Damian thought in frustration.

Damian sighed.

Guess he just had to take them out without a weapon.

Unless he could get to the kitchen.

Then he could grab a knife!

Damian had a slight twisted smirk.

Whoever broke in would be sorry.

Damian slipped out of the bed before tiptoeing to the door.

He slipped through the door and went past the intruder, who was in the bathroom, to the kitchen.

Damian was about to open the knife drawer when he tripped over something.

Damian caught himself on the floor, but it still made a noise.

The intruder was immediately out of the bathroom and heading towards the kitchen.

Damian opened the nearest drawer and pulled out a frying pan.

The intruder walked over to the island in the middle of the kitchen when Damian jumped up and slammed the pan across the intruder's head.

"Ah! Damn it!" A familiar voice yelled.

Suddenly, the lights were turned on.

"What the hay?" Dick asked in bewilderment.

The intruder, who turned out to be none other than Jason Todd, was holding his head.

Damian was holding a frying pan in a tight grip.

"What is going on?" Dick asked.

"He came in, in the middle of the night and started walking around the apartment!" Damian snarled.

"I needed to get some medical supplies and Dickie's apartment was the closest place!" Jason hissed.

"Jay, let's go get your head taken care of. Damian, just...go somewhere." Dick was unsure of what to do.

Jason walked grumpily to the bathroom with Dick in follow.

Damian frowned before looking down at the frying pan.

"Grayson doesn't cook. He won't miss you." Damian said quietly to the frying pan.

He smirked.


The next day, Damian got home to Wayne Manor.

"Pennyworth." Damian said as he came into the living room to find Alfred dusting.

"Yes, Master Damian?" Alfred asked, stopping from his dusting for a moment.

"I need help with my uniform." Damian said, holding his Robin uniform in his hands.

"What seems to be the problem?" Alfred asked.

"I need a...pocket of a type." Damian said.

Alfred nodded, "I could make a pocket. Where would you like it, Master Damian?"

"I need it on my back. And in this shape." Damian pulled out a frying pan.

Alfred looked at the frying pan, then to the Robin costume, then back at the frying pan.

"Master Damian." Alfred said.

"Yes, Pennyworth?" Damian asked.

"You are aware that this is a frying pan, yes?" Alfred asked.

"Yes. And I intend to use it as such. For frying people." Damian glared.

Alfred sighed.

"What is it, Pennyworth?" Damian asked.

"You use a frying pan for cooking, Master Damian." Alfred said.

"Yes, I am aware. However, this frying pan is not in service, so I have decided to take it for my own personal use." Damian said.

"And that would be...?" Alfred asked.

"It has shown that it is durable enough to be a proper weapon for knocking people unconscious." Damian said.

Alfred didn't ask any more questions.

He needed a vacation though. 

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