Vacation Version 1

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WARNING: I try making British dialogue. I'm sorry. Also, I've only travelled by car, so if anything is off, please don't get mad. I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm saying there's a very obvious cultural difference that I'm not 100% sure about. Please correct me if anything is wrong, but nicely, please. Thank you!

Alfred deserves it.

"Master Bruce, I'm just here to remind you that I shall be leaving for my vacation in a week." Alfred said to Bruce while they were in Bruce's study.

Bruce stopped suddenly.

"I do not care if you forget that I am leaving, I will still be going on this vacation." Alfred said.

"When do you leave again?" Bruce asked.

"On Monday at 8:00 AM." Alfred said.

Bruce nodded, "Okay, thank you again, Alfred."

Alfred nodded his head before walking out of Bruce's study.


Alfred was in his room, putting clothes into a suitcase in an orderly manner.

He put a few more T-shirts into the suitcase before shutting and zipping it.

Alfred sighed.

All the house work was done, the food was made for as long as Alfred would be away, the list of emergency contacts and regular contacts on the counter by the fridge, and his suitcase was all packed.

Tomorrow, his vacation started.

Alfred smiled.


"Bye, Alfie!" Richard hugged Alfred tightly, slightly cuddling into his chest.

"I shall be back, Master Richard." Alfred smiled, but hugged him back, none the less.

"Bye, Alfred. Have a good time." Bruce smiled lightly.

"Goodbye, Master Bruce. And I shall enjoy as much as I can." Alfred nodded.

'Flight B-27 is now boarding!' the intercom rang out.

"That's my flight. I shall you both very soon. Tell the others I said bye and not to burn down the Manor or kill each other." Alfred smiled.

Bruce laughed, "Will do."


Alfred sighed as he sat down by the window.

He looked out to see the runway.

Someone sat down next to him, but he didn't mind.


Alfred smiled as he walked into the airport.

He looked around for a moment before getting his bag and walking a bit.

He finally spotted them!

"Alfred, my good lad!" his long-time friend smiled at him.

"Oliver! It has been some time, my old friend." Alfred smiled.

"Oh, look at my Alfred!" Poppy Pennyworth, his mother, smiled, holding her arms up to hug her boy.

"Mother." Alfred hugged her.

"My, Alfred, it has been some time." Jarvis Pennyworth smiled.

"Father." Alfred smiled at him.

"Come now, we should get you home and settled in." Poppy said.

"How have you all been?" Alfred asked.

"Jolly good!" Oliver smiled.

Alfred nodded, "Very good."

"So, how is that family you are watching after, Alfred?" Poppy asked.

Alfred breathed through his nose.

"Oh. Bad, then?" Jarvis asked.

"They mean well." Alfred said.

Jarvis laughed.

"America is quite different from Britain, is that right?" Oliver asked.

"Quite so." Alfred nodded.

"Well, as this is all fascinating, let us get home, we can talk in the automobile." Poppy said.

Alfred smiled, "Of course, Mother."


Alfred sighed as he breathed the fresh Britain air.

He put his suitcase on his bed.

It was great to be home.

He really did mean to get over here more often.

Perhaps he could ask Bruce about that.

But for now, he best enjoy the time he had over here.


Alfred's first official day of vacation started with a brunch with his parents.

Then, they went to the store to get some ingredients that were not in the United States along with some tea, clothing, and other products.

Alfred smiled as his mother and he walked down an isle of the grocery store.

He was just enjoying being in Britain and with his family.

Alfred loved the Waynes, really he did, but they weren't like his family.

Alfred sighed in peace.


The next day, Alfred went to the beach, enjoying the warm, sunny day that was rare in Great Britain.

He spent the day relaxing on his beach towel.


On Wednesday, his parents and he went to a professional cricket game.

The game had Alfred's favorite team playing.

Needless to say, the day was amazing!


However, it came the day where Alfred had to go back.

"I'm going to miss you, Alfred." Poppy hugged him tightly.

They were currently at the airport.

"I will miss you to, mother." Alfred hugged his mom.

"Until next year, Alfred." Jarvis nodded to him.

"Of course." Alfred nodded.

He then left.

As Alfred sat in his seat, he tried not to think what the Manor was like when he got back.  

The Family of Bats (DRABBLES)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ