Safety Pin

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Not many noticed it.

It was barely visible unless you were to take a good, long look at Batman.

But on his cape was a small silver safety pin.

It was only on one part of his cape, the right side, in about the middle of the dark fabric.

No one knew why it was there.

At least, not yet.


The safety pin hadn't been a part of Batman's original costumes.

It wasn't there until Richard Grayson, Robin, came along.

The safety pin was put there and kept there ever since the first of many kidnappings.

Only, this kidnapping was different from the ones before it.

This was the first kidnapping that Joker made on Robin.

It was a dark storming night in Gotham, like it normally was.

Bruce and Dick were down by the docks fighting an odd team up between the Penguin and the Joker.

The goons were overwhelming them.

That's when Joker came barreling down in a van.

Joker quickly grabbed Robin as he swung past them, pulling Robin into the van, but not without slamming Robin into the side of the van.

Batman punched several goons while he screamed at Joker and to Robin, telling him not to worry.

It was a few hours later that Batman found Joker and Robin.

Joker had tortured Robin really badly.

So badly that when he unstrapped Robin from the table, Robin sobbed and shook, gripping Bruce's suit tightly, refusing to let go.

Bruce pulled his cape around Richard so that nothing but his head was visible.

Batman frowned before an idea popped into his head.

He quickly grabbed a silver safety pin out of one of his pockets of his utility belt.

He clipped one side through his cape, his right side, then put it through the other side, the left side.

Bruce then could pick Richard up and bring him to the Batmobile.

Ever since then, Bruce kept the safety pin so that he didn't need to hold his cape together.

And every time Richard was kidnapped, he would do the same routine, clipping his cape and making sure that Robin knew he was safe.


Jason didn't experience the pin until much later in his life.

It was after he became the Red Hood and started to kill people, while at the same time slowly destroying himself.

Jason was up on a rooftop, guns out, shooting at some thugs that were up there with him.

That's when it went downhill.

One of the thugs got a good shot on his leg.

And then Batman showed up.

Batman made quick work of the thugs before coming over to Jason.

"Jason." Bruce greeted.

"Bruce." Jason growled.

Batman took one look at Jason before putting his cape around him.

"What?" Jason was taken back.

Bruce clasped the safety pin and picked Jason up.

It was time for his son to come home.

Even if it was for a few hours.


Tim didn't get the safety pin right away either.

Not until his parents were dead.

"No!" Tim said, looking at their bodies.

"Shhhh." Bruce gathered Tim up in his cape and clasped the pin together.

"I got you Timmy." Bruce muttered into his hair.

Tim clung to Bruce for dear life.


Damian was in the cave one day, walking past the display cases when he saw a sparkle.

Out of curiosity, he backed up to Batman's case to see it.

He opened the display case and grabbed Batman's cape.

There was the silver safety pin.

"Father, why is there a safety pin on your cape?" Damian asked.

Bruce didn't look up from the computer, "Dick got kidnapped a lot. It was hard to hold him and the cape together at the same time."

Damian's head crooked.



The next day, Bruce didn't say anything when he noticed a silver safety pin on Damian's cape.

~~~~~~~~(BONUS SCENE)~~~~~~~~

Damian didn't make a sound as the blindfold was torn off his face.

"Hey. You okay?" Batman asked, scooping Damian up.

The safety pin was clipped to both sides of the cape and Damian was hidden in Bruce's arms.

"I am fine, Batman. Although, I still do not understand the safety pin." Damian said.

"You're like me. You safety pin others." Bruce said.

Damian took that into consideration.

A week later, Damian safety pinning a blanket around Dick who was watching TV.

Neither said anything. 

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