Not Yours

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WARNING: Language, Dark, Collar, Against-will Submissiveness

"Deathstroke! What do you want?" Wonder woman asked as a video call came up.

"Hello, Justice League, Young Justice, Batman." Deathstroke greeted with a smirk in his voice.

"Deathstroke." Batman growled, eyes narrowed.

"How is everyone? Red Hood? Red Robin? Robin? How about... Nightwing?" Deathstroke asked.

Nightwing had been missing for three weeks now and nobody had a lead on what happened or where he was.

"What do you want?" Batman growled.

"Want? I want a lot of things. But it is what I want." Deathstroke said.

"Why did you call us?" Green Lantern, John Stewart, asked, getting mad.

"Well, you see, I have something I want. And I have something you want." Deathstroke said.

"What?" Kid Flash, Wally, asked, confused.

"Wintergreen." Slade commanded.

An older man wheeled in a figure strapped to a table.


"What the fuck did you do to him?" Red Hood, Jason, screamed.

Slade got up and backhanded Nightwing.

"Talk to me like that again and he will get worse." Slade said.

"What do you want?" Batman growled, the white of the eyes were like slits.

"I want the Castperity Gem. I know you have it in the Watch Tower." Slade said.

The Justice League went on a mission and ended up saving the Castperity Gem from harm.

The Castperity Gem had magical properties that allowed the user to create any weapon they wanted.

The Justice League could only imagine what Slade wanted to do with it.

"Give me the Castperity Gem and let me leave with it." Slade said.

Batman's hands clenched into fists.

"Where?" he asked.

"I have sent coordinates and a time. I'll see you then." Deathstroke then logged off.

"Batman, we can't give that to him. He could create any weapon in the world!" Superman argued.

"I know, but he has Nightwing. You know how Nightwing is around him! It's torture just letting Nightwing be around him!" Batman said.

"Nightwing is deathly terrified of him, but he's a villain mastermind. He could use the Gem to destroy the world or take out anyone he wanted!" Wonder Woman said.

"Nightwing." Jason said firmly.

"You're risking the safety of the world for Nightwing. I love Nightwing too, but he wouldn't want us to risk the world. He'd want us to risk him before civilians. Civilians first, always. You taught him that!" Wonder Woman said.

"I know, but I've already lost one son. I don't want to lose another one." Batman said.

Wonder Woman looked down before going over and hugging Red Hood.

"He's alive." Wonder Woman said.

"And Nightwing will be too either way this goes. Either we give Deathstroke the Gem and Nightwing is happy with us or we don't and he becomes a murderer. A villain we have to fight against." Batman said.

"Maybe Slade will let him go once he sees that Nightwing doesn't want to kill anyone." Beast Boy wished hopefully.

"He won't. Once Deathstroke is on something, he stays on it. He won't stop. Not until Nightwing is his or dead." Batman said.

"Fine. We'll give him the Gem, but we have to keep tabs on him 24/7." Superman demanded.

Batman nodded.


Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman were at the place at the time that they were told to be.

"So you decided to give me the Gem?" Slade asked, coming out of the shadows.

Nightwing was tied up behind him.

"Nightwing!" Wonder Woman gasped.

Nightwing was bruised and bloody, his outfit terrible torn.

"Here. Now Nightwing." Superman said, throwing the Gem to Slade.

"But that's not what we agreed on." Slade smirked.

"What?" Superman asked, eyes going red.

"We agreed on, and my exact words were, 'Give me the Castperity Gem and let me leave with it.' I never said anything about giving Nightwing back." Slade said.

"You bas-" Batman started but Wonder Woman stepped in front of him and pulled out her sword.

"Thank you for the Gem. But I suggest that you listen more closely next time instead of getting emotional." Slade laughed cruelly.

He took the Gem out and held it in his palm.

"I want a collar that lets me command and have absolute obedience." Slade said.

The Gem turned into a bright red collar.

He walked over to Nightwing.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" Wonder Woman screamed, running over to where Slade was at.

It was too late though.

Slade clipped the collar around a struggling Nightwing's neck.

Nightwing immediately stopped struggling.

Slade laughed darkly.

Nightwing was finally his!

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