Nail Care (BPD Style)

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"So, let's move this desk over here and that'll open this area up more." Ylang said.

"Okay, let's do it." Addad nodded.

Amy and Lolli grabbed a desk and moved it.

As they started to put the desk where they needed it, Amy gave a short cry.

"Owe! Shoot!" Amy backed away from the desk and moved her hand around, like she was airing it.

"What happened?" Lolli asked, bewildered.

"Broke my nail. It went clear into the nail bed and the broken part is pushing into my finger." Amy hissed.

"Girl!" Dick gasped.

He shook his head and pulled out one of his desk drawers.

There, he took out a brown quilted leather case.

He unzipped the black zipper and opened the hard case up.

Richard swiftly walked over to Amy.

"Let me see." Dick held his hand out.

Amy looked at him questioningly, but have him her hand.

Richard took out a pair of clippers.

"This is going to hurt. But it's necessary." Dick said.

Amy nodded.

Richard took the rest of the broken nail off, leaving only 3cm of the nail bed left.

Amy hissed a bit, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going to cut the rest of your nails so that you're not off-balanced." Dick said.

"Okay." Amy nodded.

Richard cut the rest of her nails.

"And now, I'm going to file them to make sure they don't catch on anything or hurt you." Dick said, pulling out a metal file.

He started filing all the nails except the broken one.

"Okay, now stay right there and don't touch anything!" Richard said and rushed to the bathroom.

He grabbed the first aid kit under the sink and ran back to Amy.

"I'm going to clean this up, which will hurt. And put a band-aid on it, so it keeps out the dirt. I want you to take it off tomorrow though to let it air out and let it heal a bit." Dick explained as he grabbed a band-aid and an alcohol wipe.

" wouldn't happen to have been an EMS worker...or a doctor...or a nurse, have you?" Amy asked.

Dick looked up in confusion, throwing the wrapping of the band-aid and the wipe out, "Whatcha mean?"

"That was like perfect educate that you'd expect from any medical worker. You explained everything before you did it. And even asked for permission before everything." Amy said.

"I mean, Leslie did that unless Bruce knew what she was doing and just told her to do it." Richard shrugged.

"But that was good." Amy said.

"Is THAT why everyone calls me Mother Hen?" Dick asked with wide eyes.

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