(Round 2) More Hashtags!

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Tim looked at his notifications just as Jason screamed, "HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?!"

'Instagram: NightieWing posted a picture.'

Tim clicked into it and immediately regretted it. 

Richard's apartment kitchen was blown up.

'Oops. #CallingtheLocalFireDepartment'

Tim sighed.

He knew they should have uninstalled some of those appliances. 



Damian sighed but clicked the notification. 

'Coffee Break! #Coffee #Break #MorePlease'

Drake really needed to cut back on the caffeine. 



Bruce looked at his phone. 

'Instagram: RedHoodGotYa posted a video.'

Bruce, curious, clicked it.

A video immediately started to play. 

The video was focused on a warehouse. 

Said warehouse immediately blew up. 

"I'm coming after you, Riddler." Jason said. 

The video stopped there.

Bruce sighed, knowing that he'd have to check on Riddler later. 


Robin posted a video also.

He was playing a violin quiet nicely. 

After all, he was Damian Wayne, everything he did was perfect. 

'Perfection. #Violin #Perfect #Mozart'



Steph clicked into Instagram. 

'Tried Robin's violin. Didn't go as planned. #Sorry #IOU'

Nightwing posted a picture of a violin with all the strings snapped. 

Steph didn't envy him.


Jason felt his phone buzz in his pocket. 

He pulled it out, unlocked it, and went to Instagram. 

'Found an instrument I can play! #Finally #Musik #RainStick!'

Jason clicked on the video, expecting the worst. 

He was surprised however. 

Richard was actually playing the rain stick very well and added his own wind sound with his whistling. (*1)  

Jason stared in shock before bursting out laughing. 

"Of course he plays a rain stick!" Jason rolled on the floor. 

And if anyone asked him, he did NOT fall asleep to it later. 


'More coffee! #Yummy #Coffee #AnAddictionThatIDontMind #MyOnlyFriend' Tim posted the picture of more coffee onto his Instagram. 

'What about me?!' NightieWing commented on his picture.

'Coffee understands me more.' Tim laughed as he commented back to Nightwing. 


'Cake. #Cake #NightieWingStealsYourCakeSoDontTakeHimWithYouToACafe' Cass posted the picture of a perfect slice of cake with a VERY messy-faced Nightwing in the background.

'SO CUUUTE!!!' GothamProtectors commented on her picture. 

'Need more Cake, ALWAYS!' SilentBlackBatFan also commented. 

Cass smirked. 

She liked her new internet friends.


'NOOOOOOOO! #WHY?! #NeedsRepair' Steph posted a picture of her broken thigh strap. 

'Fatgirl, stopvigilanting. It is not for you.' BestRobinEveR commented on her picture. 

Thus started the war between Robin and Batgirl fans. 

*1- I can do this. It's awesome! (I play the violin and rainstick. I just added the rainstick to my Musik about two weeks ago.)  

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