
1.9K 52 9


WARNING: Concussion, Bad Language, Innuendos, Broken Legs, Injuries. 

"Nightwing, report to the main room. Nightwing, to the main room." Martian ManHunter's voice called over the intercom. 

"Well, it seems I'm needed elsewhere." Nightwing smiled apologetically.  

"I must get back to the main room too. I have to finish the duty of monitors." Starfire said. 

"Cool! How's that going by the way?" Dick asked. 

"It is the boring." Starfire sighed. 

"Hey, it'll be better. Maybe." Richard smiled, trying to cheer her up. 

Starfire giggled, "Of course it shall be!"

Before Nightwing could say anything else, Starfire scooped him into her arms and flew for the main room. 

Nightwing laughed the whole way. 


Superman and Nightwing were in the Watch Tower, training against each other. 

Nightwing dodged a kick to his legs, but missed the fist to his head. 

"Nightwing! I'm sorry!" Clark yelled, as Nightwing landed on the mat. 

Nightwing looked at him and blinked. 

He was very clearly concussed. 

"Son't worry, I'll get you to Will!" Superman carefully swept him into his arms and slowly and carefully flew Nightwing to the Medical Bay, where Will was stationed at. (*1)

"Put him on the bed." Will Quartz, the head doctor, instructed. 

He took out a light and looked into Nightwing's eyes after removing his mask. 

"Hm. I'm going to keep him here for a few days. That was a nasty hit." Will grimaced. 

"I'm sorry." Clark looked at his feet. 

Will's eyebrow was up, "Training, I assume." 

"Yeah." Superman nodded. 

"He'll be fine, Clark. No worries. He'll be as good as new in a few days." Will smiled warmly at him. 

Clark nodded.


Nightwing, Supergirl, and Vixen just got back from a mission. 

"Man, I need a bed. ASAP!" Vixen yawned. 

"Food." Nightwing and Supergirl said at the same time. 

They both looked at each other.

Supergirl scooped Nightwing up and flew them to the cafeteria quickly. 

"Yum! Thanks!" Nightwing beamed at Supergirl. 

"No problem!" Supergirl licked her lips, looking at all the delicious food. 

They were going to eat a lot. 


Nightwing fell to the ground, the alien goon getting a good shot on him. 

The alien goon then stepped on his leg.

A loud crack was heard!

Nightwing gave a pained scream. 

A yellow energy ray hit the alien above him, who was about to kill him. 

"You know, if you actually used your gun and not throw it, then this wouldn't have happened." Midnighter said, with an amused look. 

Nightwing looked up to glare at them.

"Hey kid, it's the truth." Apollo shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah. Just, help me." Nightwing said, blushing a bit as he held his hands up. 

A picture was snapped, courtesy of Midnighter.  

"Really?" Nightwing glared. 

"What can I say, having that cute ass beg for us is great." Midnighter smirked a bit seductively.  

"Yeah? well, you need to take this cute ass to the Watch Tower." Nightwing said, crossing his arms. 

Apollo picked Nightwing up carefully, who put his arms around Apollo's neck. 

"Alright. Where's the nearest teleporter?" Midnighter asked. 

"In one of the alleys on Clemtine Street." Nightwing said.  

"Lets go." Midnighter nodded and took off. 

Apollo rose into the air and flew them there. 

"One teleport for Nightwing and two guests." Nightwing said as he tapped the correct codes in. 

The teleporter teleported them to the Watch Tower. 

"We need the Medical Bay." Midnighter said in his gruff, gravely voice. 

Barry pointed in the direction with a stunned look on his face. 

"Is that the M and A that Nightwing has been hanging out with recently?" Barry asked J'onn.

"Yes. That is Midnighter and Apollo. They make quite a trio." J'onn said with a hint of a smile. 

"Wait. Do you mean that they make a good team or was that an innuendo for something else?" Barry asked as J'onn flew off. 

J'onn didn't answer. 

"Wait! I NEED to know!" Barry ran after him. 

A/N: (*1)= Will Quartz is one of my OC's. I thought I would try putting one of them in here and see how it goes. Tell me if you want to see more OC's or not! :D

(OC is short for Original Character.)

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