The Great Coffee Mishap

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AKA (Trust me, it just happened.) 

It started off as a not-so-regular Monday.

Alfred was sick in bed, down with a slight stomach bug.

So, that left the Wayne family to make breakfast on their own. 

Richard, trying to be helpful, decided to make the coffee.

He put the filter inside the machine, put the water in, and then took the container of coffee.

Dick stared at all the coffee grounds before he shrugged and filled the filter up to the brim. 

He flipped the switch on and sat down.

Meanwhile, everyone else started to trickle into the kitchen.

Bruce sat down, not yet awake because Alfred hadn't given him his daily coffee. 

Tim, however, immediately went to the coffee machine.

He stopped. 

"Who touched the coffee machine?" Tim asked.

That alerted Bruce. 

"I did!" Dick smiled.

Everyone stopped and stared at Richard in horror.

"You... did what?" Bruce asked. 

"Well, since Alfred is sick, I decided to help out!" Dick said. 

"Can Dickhead even make coffee?" Jason asked.

The coffee machine chose that moment to explode. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Tim screamed in horror as bits of coffee machine, counter, wall, and outside brick flew around the kitchen. 

"I tried making coffee." Richard said. 

" JUST HOW?" Bruce yelled.

"I dunno." Dick shrugged. 

Alfred came rushing in, "What happened?!"

"Dick tried to make coffee." Jason said. 

Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"I will call the builders." Alfred said, looking at the hole in the wall. 

"Please tell me we can still get coffee." Tim said in exhaust. 

"Yes. Go get in the car." Bruce said, standing up.

Coffee shop, here they come!

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