Part 100!

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PART 100!!!

WARNING: Bad langugue, Ship War, Sexual things (for humor only.) 


"Put the streamer up there, Jay! Dami, can you blow up a few more balloons! Timmy, come help out with setting the table!" Richard directed everyone. 

They were currently in the ballroom of the Manor, getting ready for the MASSIVE party. 

~~~~~~~~~~~(TIME SKIP)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Surprise!" Dick yells loudly as he jumps up in your face. 

You stare in wonder at all the pretty, sparkly streamers, balloon holders, balloons, and even the oddly-dressed people in front of you.  

"Welcome to the 100th drabble!" Jason smiled into a microphone. 

They were all wearing black tuxes with different colored sparkly ties. 

"We'd just like to say," Richard started. 

"THANK YOU!" They all shouted together. 

The intensity of Jason's voice in the microphone was a bit cringy, but bearable. 

"Over there is the 100th Drabble Cake, along with other good sugary snacks. Just don't let Dick near them." Tim whispered the last part to you while winking. 

"Tt. Drake is correct about one thing. Do not let Grayson by those tables. However, they are not good snacks. They are just teeth-rotting snacks." Damian said, turning his nose up at them. 

"Come on, Damian! There's Vanilla ice cream over there. What more do you want?" Jason asked. 

"Some good food." Damian huffed. 

"See Damian? He's a bumber. Don't be a bumber, Dami! Be fun, like me!" Dick smiled, holding several pieces of candy. 

"Dang it, I said DON'T go near that, Richard!" Bruce yelled and started chasing Dick around the room in an attempt to get the candy back. 

"Oh dear. Should I remind you that there's no running in this Manor, young sirs." Alfred called out. 

"Fuck the rules!" Dick yelled back, still running. 

Alfred's eyes narrowed. 

"Oh! He 'bout to get it boy!" Jason smirked. 

"Watch it, or you'll be next." Alfred glared at Jason. 

Suddenly, the sound of some vase breaking was heard. 

"Not my fault!" They heard Dick yell. 

"It was SO his fault!" You whisper to one of your friends. 

They nod in agreement. 

"RICHARD!" Bruce's scream reverberates off the walls. 

"Dang! He's got some lungs." You rub your now-near-deaf ears.

"Would any of you like some deserts?" Alfred asks you. 

"Yes!" You answer cheerfully after getting over that Alfred Pennyworth- ALFRED PENNYWORTH!- was asking you if you wanted any cake. 

He hands you a slice of cake on a donut plate. 

I mean, a plate that has a donut painted onto its porcelain.  

You and your friends each take a bite of the cake. 

My gosh is it heavenly!

It has to be the best cake you've ever eaten!

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