Don't You Know You're Walking?

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"I demand you give it back, Drake!" Damian yelled, fury in his eyes.

They were currently in the middle of the living room.

Surprisingly, their whole makeshift 'family' was at the manor for the upcoming holiday.

 Everyone was trying their best to be on their best behavior and keep the peace if only for the sanity of everyone else, well, until now...

"Woah, woah! What's going on, Dami?" Richard asked, walking into the living room, munching on a cookie.

"Demon spawn decided to start yelling at Tim." Jason frowned looking up from his book, Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

"I wouldn't have to yell if Drake didn't steal my sketchbook!" Damian growled.

"Why would I want your sketchbook? I don't even draw!" Tim growled.

"How would I know what your imbecilic mind would want with my sketchbook?" Damian huffed, crossing his arms.

"Damian, we really shouldn't be name calling any-" Dick started but was briskly cut off by Tim.

"One, I'm not an idiot. Two, I didn't steal your sketchbook. And three, you have no evidence because I didn't steal your sketchbook! Now, if you're sone making accusations because you misplaced something, I'd like to get back to enjoying my holiday." Tim kicked the footrest up and leaned back in his seat.

Damian's eye twitched as he took a step forward, a dark look overtaking his face.

"Yeah, no." Jason stepped in front of Tim's seat. 

Cass crossed the room yo stand with Jason.

"I-If you don't have it, why don't we look on the cameras?" Dick suggested, trying to defuse the situation and placate Damian a bit. 

 "We could at least track where Damian had it last." Duke pipped up, staying out of the fight thus-far. 

Cass nodded, agreeing with Duke.

"If it makes you all stop fighting and gets Duke and Cass to continue our round of Mario Kart, then yeah!" Steph pulled a tablet out of seemingly nowhere. 

"Catch!" Steph threw it at Jason, who caught it easily.

Jason grunted and tossed it to Tim, "Here, nerd. Figure it out." 

Tim huffed but started to pull up the manor's video feeds. 

He tracked the sketchbook that Damian had the day before to Damian putting it on his desk before he did his nightly routine before bed.

"See, it's on your desk." Tim flipped the tablet over to show them all.

"It was not there this morning, Drake." Damian glared.

Tim flipped it back towards himself, "Then we see where it went."

Tim set the tablet on the coffee table and hit fast-forward.

It took several minutes to get through a few hours until the culprit was on the camera. 

"Woah! Dick, why are you stealing Damian's sketchbook?" Steph took a bite of her chocolate bar, again, appearing from nowhere. 

"Why am I stealing his sketchbook?" Dick asked, looking just as confused as the rest of them. 

"Look on the cameras?" Duke suggested as Jason asked, "Where you drugged?"

"It could be mind control?" Steph thought out loud.

"Poison Ivy?" Cass asked, thinking of her spores.

Tim switched the camera to Dick's room.

"Also, why are there cameras in our bedrooms?" Duke asked, a little creeped out. 

"Probably of Bruce's unhealed trauma and need to control everything." Jason said.

"Ouch. Accurate, but deep." Steph winced a bit. 

"Grayson, when did you precure the act of sleep walking and, in turn, sleep-stealing?" Damian asked as they watched Dick on screen do the stealing in his sleep/

"Honestly? I don't even sleep-walk." Dick said, watching himself steal the sketchbook again. 

"Well, obviously you do." Jason said, stealing a chunk of chocolate off Steph's candy bar. 

"Hey! Get your own!" Steph huffed and stuck her tongue out. 

"I put them under my bed too?" Dick questioned as he watched the feed a bit more. 

He promptly started to go up the stairs to his room.

"I have to see this!" Jason smirked, running up behind him. 

The rest of the family followed, curiosity getting them too.

 Dick pulled a box out from under his bed and dumped it on his bed. 

Inside, there was Damian's sketchbook along with a few more items.

"You're the one who stole my fidget cube?!" Steph gasped, quickly snagging the little black and neon green cube. 

"So there's my copy of Emma!" Jason pulled the Jane Austen book from the pile. 

Cass silently took her yellow headband from the collection of stolen goods.

"So there's where my flash drive went to." Tim pulled the small black flash drive and pocketed it. 

"I was looking for this!" Duke grabbed his red and gold Micro Gameboy .

"You need more sleep." Bruce said, grabbing the picture of him, Alfred, and Dick from years ago along with Alfred's white embroidered handkerchief with 'AP' on it. 

"You knew about this?" Dick asked, "Of course you did."

"Well, sorry guys! I'll be sure to lock my door at night then!" Dick smiled apologetically. 

"Yeah, yeah." Jason waved him off and left his room.

Cass just gave Richard a hug and skipped out of the room.

"At least we found it again!" Steph smiled and hugged him too before leaving. 

"I would suggest more sleep, Grayson." Damian said and promptly left. 

"Hey, maybe take more care of yourself." Duke smiled, placing a hand on Dick's shoulder. 

"Thanks, Duke." Dick smirked. 

"Anyways, I think it's about time for pie..." Duke invited Dick to grab some with him. 

Dick laughed, "I couldn't turn pie down from Alfred!" 


Sleep-deprived stealing! 

It's a thing now, lol

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