Alfred's Kitchen

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See, there was a good reason only Alfred was allowed to use the kitchen for cooking.


It all started with Bruce.

While trying to make macaroni and cheese one day, he ended up burning down half the manor.

Alfred made sure he always updated the batteries for the fire alarms after that.


Alfred learned very quickly to NEVER allow Richard around the toaster or anything else for that matter.

After the first time he burnt toast, Alfred knew that Dick couldn't cook and shouldn't ever attempt.

It was a miracle he could even use the microwave.


Tim could make eggs, toast, and coffee.

That was all he could make though.

He burnt the bacon and everything else.


Jason never had the attention span to cook.

He would put something in the oven then run off to go do something.

Alfred was yet again thankful for the fire alarms.


Cassandra could bake, use the microwave, and the toaster.

She didn't drink a lot of coffee, just caffeinated tea, so she had no use for the coffee maker.

Cass could not use the stove top, but she could make anything that required the oven.


Stephanie could make waffles, pancakes, brownies, and muffins.

Although she did burn the brownies and muffins at least half the time.

Again, Alfred was so glad there were fire alarms.

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