The Murderous Duo Part 3

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Superman pulled Batman off of a broken and horribly marred Deathstroke.

"He isn't worth it. Take Richard and go home." Superman told him.

"No. I have to see that he doesn't get to anyone again." Damian growled.

Flash injected something into Slade while Wonder Woman restrained him.

"He's not getting out of where we're putting him anytime soon." Flash, Barry Allen, said.

"Spend time with Dickie. He'll need you. Especially after tonight." Superman said.

"Take care of him. And don't forget to bring him to the Watch Tower later!" Arsenal said as more heroes arrived.

They were taking every precaution tonight.

All members of the Young Justice and Justice Leagues were there, ready to act if Slade tried anything.

Heck! Even a lot of the solo heroes were there.

Because when you mess with one of them, you messed with all of them.

"Dad!" Jason called, looking at Damian.

He was holding a sobbing Richard in his arms.

Damian was over in seconds.

"Dickie. Dickie, it's okay. You're safe now, Dickie. You're here with us and safe." Damian said, brushing Richard's hair back.

It was too long.

He'd need a haircut soon.

"D-D-Dami?" Richard's hoarse voice called out, like he didn't believe what was going on around him.

"Yeah?" Damian called in his softest, sweetest voice.

It was a voice Jason only heard once before, and it surprised him.

It surprised everyone, really.

Damian was a stern, intelligent man but he wasn't too well known for his emotions.

Sure, he did hug and smile and even the very rare kiss, but it was all rare.

That might have been the point where everyone realized what exactly Richard meant to Damian.

Richard was Damian's heart and soul.

Dickie was Damian's love and gentleness.

So, when Richard was taken, so was a chunk of Damian.

Jason remembered it.

After Dickie was kidnapped, Damian stopped smiling.

He stopped hugging.

He stopped with the kisses.

The 'well done's, the proud smiles and smirks, the loving eyes.

Jason remembered that Damian went cold.

And now, Richard was back.

"Y-Y-You're r-r-real, r-right?" Dick asked.

"I'm real, Dickie. This is real. You're safe now. Slade won't ever hurt you again. You're safe." Damian reassured him.

Richard sobbed before throwing himself at Damian, wrapping his arms around Damian's chest and arms and burring his face into his neck.

"Shhhhh. Hey, now. It's okay. We're here. You're here. You're right where you belong, Dickie. You're with your family." Damian said, kissing Dick's head and holding him close.

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