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When you realize that your sidekick is more bad-ass than you. (Aqualad and Aquaman.)

Aquaman watched as Aqualad, Kalder, was on a mission with the Young Justice league.

He was amazing!

Kalder kept making great lines, fought greatly, and led the Team to victory!

But...when did he become so...bad-ass?

How long had he been so cool?

And how come Aquaman wasn't like that?


"Bruce, I need to speak to you." Aquaman said over the comm links.

"What?" Batman growled.

"Privately." Aquaman said.

He heard a growl.


"What do you want?" Bruce asked.

They were in his Batcave.

"How are you so bad-ass?" Aquaman asked.

"Seriously? What brought this up?" Batman asked.

"I was watching Kalder interact with his friends on a mission. How did he get more bad-ass than I?" Aquaman asked.

"He's always been more bad-ass." Batman immediately said.

"I know I'm not the most, but a little help?" Aquaman asked.

"First, get rid of the trunks. Get some pants on." Bruce said.

"Okay." Aquaman nodded.

"Now, put a shirt on." Batman glared at him.

"Why?" Aquaman asked.

"You may have superstrength and invulnerability, but no one wants to see someone half-naked every time they see you. If your shirt get torn or something, that's fine. But not every single time we see you." Batman said.

"Anything else?" Aquaman asked.

"Put on some armor. Maybe a belt, wrist guards, and ankle guards." Batman said.

"Right. Even though that's basically useless for me?" Aquaman questioned.

"It's for looks. Just having black pants and an orange suit doesn't suit you. You need something else. Preferably something with your hero symbol." Bruce said.

"Okay." Aquaman nodded.

"Keep your beard and sideburns trimmed. No one will take you seriously if you look all...unkempt. It sends the wrong signal." Bruce said.

"Signal?" Aquaman asked.

"It screams, 'I can't take care of myself. So, I won't take care of you or this situation correctly.'" Batman said.

"Whatcha doing?" Nightwing asked as he came down to the Batcave with a tray.

The tray itself had a few sandwiches and two glasses of milk.

"Critiquing Aquaman." Batman said, taking a sandwich.

"Oh. What are you looking for?" Richard asked.

"Why am I not bad-ass." Aquaman said.

Dick looked at him a moment before laughing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Richard said once he came down.

"Can you help?" Aquaman glared.

"Yeah. You need to stop using fish. It's gross and inhumane. You have superstrength and invulnerability! Utilize them! Get up and punch someone in the face! Don't let others fight your fight. Especially animals!" Dick said.

"You can still be peaceful and all that, just stop using fish." Richard said.

"Okay. No more fish." Aquaman nodded.

"You need to make more cool one liners and comments." Dick said.

"Up thy comment game." Aquaman said.

"And read a dictionary or learn how to speak English. Stop using 'thy' and older words. I know you're from Atlantis, but people up here don't speak like that so it's going to take them a few minutes to get what you mean." Richard said.

"Is THAT why people keep looking at me like that when I talk?" Aquaman asked.

"Yes." Bruce and Richard said at the same time.

"Did you go over the fashion yet?" Dick asked.

"Even if I didn't, I wouldn't let you do it." Bruce glared at Dick.

"What?" Richard asked.

"You have terrible fashion sense. Worse than Aquaman. We don't need to fashion-blind people leading each other in costumes." Bruce said.

"My fashion isn't...that...bad." Richard could see he was fighting a battle he wouldn't win.

"Don't get me started." Bruce looked at him.

"So, anything else?" Aquaman asked.

"I think I covered everything thing. Now, go work on it." Bruce said.

"Thanks for the help!" Aquaman said before leaving.

"It's about time he noticed." Bruce grumbled.

Dick laughed.

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