Another Time Long Ago Part 2

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Requested by: IvyTheJoker; "Could you please do a part 2if it wouldn't inconvenience you? I want Nightwing to explain how he changed to them."

Without further ado;


"Let's go back to the Batcave. I'll explain there." Nightwing said.

The members of the Batfamily agreed.


"So, you know that I created the Teen Titans at 16." Richard said.

They all nodded.

Everyone was sitting in the Batcave, listening intensely to Richard.

"Bruce and I started fighting when I was 15. By the time I was 16, the fights got really bad. I couldn't take it anymore. So, I left." Richard said.

"I found myself in Jump City. The first night I was there, I actually found other heroes there too. The original members of the Teen Titans." Dick explained.

"It was actually Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and myself. We decided to team up to help Starfire, who was a prisoner to some aliens." Richard laughed a bit.

"Long story short, we saved Starfire, made the aliens leave and promise to never come back, and then ended up on that island that the T Tower was on. Beast Boy mentioned that it was a great view. And that got me thinking."

"I invited them to join me as the Teen Titans. Of course, I didn't have an official name right then. But, with some persuasion, they agreed." Dick said.

"We ended up buying the piece of island from the government. Then we lived in a two bedroom apartment until the T Tower was built. That was an experience!" Richard laughed loudly.

"It was so much fun being on a team, other than Young Justice. We had to teach Starfire Earth's ways. We helped each other with our issues over time. We just had fun."

"But I was angry. I was angry at Bruce. But I was angry at myself. I didn't just leave Bruce. He fired me." Dick said.

Everyone was shocked.

"The Golden Boy...The Original was fired?!" Jason gasped.

"Even the original Robin wasn't good enough for Batman." Richard said, eyes dark.

"He treated me like crap. Pretended that I wasn't there. It wasn't the same after that. I had to leave. He forced me to. So, I did."

"But before I knew it...I was becoming the very thing that I didn't want to. That I feared to be. I was Batman." Dick said.

"I was cold. Heartless. Calculated. Manipulative."

"I hated what I became." Richard said, looking down at his lap in shame.

"I made a promise that I wouldn't be Batman. And I've broken it more than one time."

"When I realized what I became, I knew that I had to stop it. So, I thought that becoming someone else would help." Dick said.

"The first time that I was Slade's apprentice, I was forced into it. The second time? I was trying to find myself. And he knew that just as much as I did. In a way... Slade helped me."

"Slade. As in Slade Wilson? Like, Deathstroke?" Steph asked.

"Yes. Deathstroke helped me become Nightwing." Richard said.

"Nightwing wasn't directly influenced by Slade though." Dick said, "He mostly taught me that I didn't want to be a villain-ever. He showed me where the line was. But Superman told me about the Krypton heroes, Nightwing and Flamebird."

"I named myself Nightwing, with Superman's blessing. It took a few costume tries, but I eventually got this one." Richard smirked, gesturing to the suit he had on now.

"At this time, I was 18. I moved to Bludhaven after I outgrew the Robin mantle. A few months after I moved, Bruce and I reconnected. And that's when I met you, Jason."

"I know that I was a total dick to you. It was uncalled for. I was just angry that Bruce replaced me so easily. With a child off the streets who knew next to nothing about what it meant to be a hero. To be Robin. And of course, you saw our fighting again." Dick said.

"It was bad." Jason recalled.

"Yeah. But, we're fine now!" Richard smiled brightly.

"Are you though?" Tim asked.

Richard's smile lessened dramatically.

"I'll be fine." Dick said.

"How come you were fighting Deathstroke since you were 16 and never told any of us!" Steph asked.

"Slade? Oh yeah! He and I go WAY back! Like, when I was in the circus, way back!" Richard said.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"He has pictures and news articles of one of our performances. He even still has the admission tickets. He framed them next to my Robin days and Jump City Robin days. It's really creepy." Dick shivered.

"But we both got obsessed with each other. We've kind of been...hunting...each other since." Richard explained.

"Yeah, totally NOT creepy at all!" Jason rolled his eyes.

"Well, since he's obsessed with me, I wouldn't be surprised if he has information about everyone I hang around." Dick said.

Everyone was silent.

"You didn't think to tell Bruce or anyone else?" Tim asked.

"No, Bruce already knows. But Slade has a good memory. Of course, we have an honor code between us." Richard said.

"Honor code?" Jason asked.

"I can't tell anyone. That'd be breaking it." Dick smirked.

"I can't tell what's creepier. You smirking like that about having a deal with Deathstroke. Or Batman smiling." Jason said.

"Batman." Steph immediately said.

"Richard." Cass said, reading Dick's body language.

Richard was definitely creepier.

And Damian had to agree, seeing first-hand what Grayson could do.

Tim wasn't sure either. 

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