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WARNING: I was trying for OCPD, but I think it may have came out as OCD a little too much.

Tim moved the picture again before he stepped back.

Perfectly centered.

Tim smiled, feeling relief and control over his room yet again.


"Ever notice how Timmy is all...neat and stuff?" Dick asked.

"Not everyone can live in disorganization, Dick-head." Jason said.

"No, he's like...neater than neat." Dick said.

"He's fine." Bruce said.

Richard's eyes narrowed.


Dick watched as Tim was rearranging his room.


For the third time that week.

Richard knew something was up.


"Golden Boy, news flash, nothing is wrong with him." Jason said.

Richard had pulled Jason with him on his bird watching.

"Just watch him." Dick said.

Jason rolled his eyes.

Tim was rearranging his closet.

Jason and Richard had watch him rearrange his closet for two times already.

"Okay, three times to rearrange a closet?" Jason asked, getting a bit suspicious.

"It's not the only thing he does!" Richard said.

Jason was interested.


Bruce, Jason, and Richard were at the table during breakfast the next day.

Tim came in and Richard hit Jason's arm.

Bruce raised an eyebrow at Dick's behavior.

The two boys watched Tim make his breakfast.

He had three slices of bacon, one egg, three slices of toast, three different fruit slices each, and even his glass of water had three ice cubes.

"See? Everything is in odd numbers!" Richard whispered to Jason.

Bruce heard it though and looked at Tim again.

His son was right. Everything was in odd numbers.

But why would that catch Richard's attention?


The whole family was at the table eating dinner when Bruce caught Richard staring, and counting, Tim.

Three sips of whatever he was drinking every time he picked up the glass.

There was nothing else. Always three sips.

Bruce's eyes narrowed.


"He's gone for the weekend." Richard said, opening Tim's bedroom door.

"What are we looking for?" Jason asked.

"Anything that sets you off." Bruce said.

Richard immediately went to Tim's bed.

"Three blankets, three pillows, and three stuffed animals." Richard said.

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