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"Don't want the world to see that side of me." ~ Coloring by Kevin Garrett

Nightwing threw his mask off.

They just got back from patrol.

A bad patrol.

Robin, Damian, didn't follow Nightwing's directions and almost got himself and a civilian killed.

"What was THAT?" Dick yelled.

"That was me getting my job done." Damian said, taking off his mask.

"NO, that wasn't! That was you being reckless! And at the cost of a civilian!" Richard yelled. 

"Tt. Whatever, Grayson." Damian rolled his eyes. 

That was just one factor to the anger.


The next day, Jason tried to shoot Tim.

"What the heck, Jason?" Dick yelled, tackling Tim down to the ground, taking the bullet for him.

"The little shit told me to-" Jason started but Richard cut him off.

"NO! That's NO reason to SHOT TIMMY!" Dick screamed at him.

He was in a bad mood.


His mood worsened as the week went on.

He had no stress relief, no hugs or cuddles, and he hadn't slept in quite a few days.

To make matters worse, Bruce was in one of his moods.

Which of course let to a fight between Bruce and himself. 

However, it was mostly Bruce just yelling at him.

"And you can't go around doing that!" Bruce finished.

Richard internally sighed.


To be fair, everyone should have known from how Dick was reacting that he was a time bomb ready to go off.

It was quite obvious that something was wrong when Richard stopped hugging and cuddling. 

But it REALLY should have tipped someone off when he stopped smiling at everyone.

Or the fact that he started snapping at everyone, even the Leagues.

"Feet off the table! Share the popcorn with everyone else! Put a coaster under that drink!" Nightwing snapped at every little thing the Young Justice team did.

And it started to worry the Justice League.


The final straw for everyone else was when they were kidnapped and held hostage.

Nightwing somehow got free and got his weapons. 

Instead of freeing anyone else though, Nightwing immediately went to the boss and his goons.

He was not messing with anyone today.

He made quick work of the goons and effectively made the boss scared.

"Either surrender now or have the crowbar shoved down your fucking throat!" Nightwing growled. 

"Y-Y-You don't s-scare me!" the boss lied.

"You have to the count of three. One." Dick growled.

"Two." Richard put more firmness behind his voice.

"THREE!" Nightwing screamed, throwing the crowbar at his head.

The boss screamed and started running.

Nightwing wasn't having any of that.


"What was that?" Batman asked angrily.

Nightwing beat the boss senselessly. 

He sent the boss to the hospital in a full body cast.

Batman had to pry Nightwing away from the boss' body.

"Nothing." Nightwing said darkly.

"That was NOT nothing!" Batman growled.

"I don't fucking care!" Nightwing yelled.

Alfred frowned.

"You will tell me what's going on with you, right now!" Batman yelled.

"NO! It's not like you care with being busy with your mission!" Nightwing screamed.

He was angry, tired, and worn out. 

"This isn't like you, Richard. What happened?" Bruce demanded to know.

"What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? I haven't slept in a month! Jason tried to shot Tim, but I took the bullet for him! Damian almost killed a civilian! And I haven't had any hugs or cuddles in TWO WEEKS!" Dick screamed. 

By the end he was breathing heavily and fast. 

"Master Richard." Alfred came up and hugged Dick.

"It will be alright." Alfred rubbed circles on his back. 

Richard melted into the touch. 

Normalcy was come back. 


This didn't come out exactly as I planned. :\

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