Bats Never Die Pt. 2

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"RH here. I found the warehouse. Going in!" Jason smirked before waiting for an answer.

The sounds of terrified screams and gunshots rang out around the warehouse.

Jason made quick work of these thugs.

As he was sneaking his way up to the next small group of thugs, he happened to hear an interesting conversation.

"Go where? It's just a bat." One of the thugs smirked and loaded his gun, "They all die the same as us."

"You're on your own then!" The other thug started running out of the warehouse. Jason would catch him soon.

"They're just human." The thug said and looked around the now eerily quiet warehouse.

"Are we?" Jason's voice modulator made him sound very eerie.

The thug jumped and started firing a round of bullets, "Oh shi-"

Red Hood decked him. Too easy.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" The thug slurred from the ground.

"Well, we die the same, don't we?" Hood smirked and knocked the thug out.

"I took care of them. You're welcome." Jason said, taking his hood off.

"You went in without backup." Batman growled.

"And it was fine. Besides, you can't make me do anything, old man. I don't live here anymore." Jason huffed a piece of hair out of his face.

"Either way, one of the two warehouses is now taken care of! We should focus on the rest! Penguin is looking to move the arms from this warehouse to this one." Nightwing defused the situation with the mission.

"Alright. Steph and Damian, you two will be taking this warehouse together. You need to work on your teamwork together." Bruce said, ignoring Jason for the moment.

"You're pairing me with Fatgirl?! Father, she is clearly inadequate at doing this job!" Damian protested. 

"I don't want to go out with the Demon Child!" Steph huffed. 

"There will be no arguing! Go!" Bruce snarled, having enough of his kids disobedience. 

They left, but lots of grumbling was still heard.


"That sucked!" Steph growled as she tore her mask off. 

"I found it quite fun." Damian smirked. 

Stephanie groaned as she yanked a bullet off of her kevlar vest and winced.  

"I do believe you should need to be looked over, Mistress Stephanie." Alfred politely told her to go to the medbay. 

Stephanie groaned again, this time louder and longer.

"Father, I shall need a new sword. This one has a chip in it from a bullet. I acquired it during battle." Damian said as he set his sword on the table. 

There was some blood on it, and as clear as day, a chip taken from the edge.  

"What? You can't hit a bullet correctly anymore?" Jason asked, smirking. 

Damian quickly grabbed said sword and held it out. 

"I could block a firing squad and still make ground on them to kill them." Damian growled.   

"Or we could NOT!" Nightwing frowned, standing firm between the two, arms crossed.

Bruce this time let out a long sigh.


'Oracle, I have sights on one of Penguin's warehouses. It's pretty active tonight. Requesting closest backup.' Night's voice came through the comms. 

'Closest backup is Black Bat.' Oracle informed them. 

'ETA: 5 minutes.' Oracle said. 

5 minutes later, Nightwing and Black Bat were in the rafters, about to attack when they overheard a particular conversation.

"So, I mean, if the bats are immortal, what does that make them?" Michael asked.

"Well, obviously, the little one is a vampire. And with all that 'true blood son' bullshit he was spewing, that makes big Bats a vampire too." Aaron said.

Nightwing and Black Bat looked at each other in confusion, but listened a bit longer. 

"Mhum... what about the others?" Michael asked.

"Red Hood is a zombie, for sure!" Aaron pointed at Michael.

Cass made a 'so-so' gesture with her hand and shrugged.   

"Okay, but what about the rest?" Michael nodded.

"Nightwing I think is a thrall for the vampires. And vampire magic makes him immortal. Think about it. No matter how many fights between him and Bats, he always comes back. Plus, he's SUPER protective of little Bats. Has to be a thrall ordered to protect and serve the vamps." Aaron looked around some crates.

Nightwing threw his hands up and huffed a bit. 

Talk about the short end of the stick! 

"So, big and little Bats are vamps. Nightwing's a thrall. Hoodie is a zombie. That leaves Black Bat, Spoiler, and Red Robin." Michael counted on his fingers.

"Alright, so hear me out, Spoiler is a witch. And with her magic, not only is she immortal, but she's got Red Robin under a spell and has somehow entrapped Black Bat's soul. If you think about it, they hang out more than the others." Aaron nodded, feeling confident in his theory.

Soon, they both had to cover their mouths to keep themselves from being found out from laughing too much. 

"If she's a witch, why doesn't she use her powers then?" Michael asked.

"Cause she's so old cause of her powers. That she was around during them witch trials! She survived cause she's immortal and has come back to exact her revenge! But she doesn't want to really get her hands dirty, so she's using Black Bat to kill people. That's why she has to have Black Bat's soul!" Aaron said.

At that moment, Nightwing and Black Bat decided to end their very wacky conversation. 

You best believe that the kids decided to cash in on those thoughts later though. 

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