The Mirror Of Our Prime-Review By Joyouscellyjc

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The mirror of our prime by @MadManWearingFedora

I would say first of all that I am absolutely speechless. I do not know how to put my applause into words..... It has been a while since I came across such a piece of art. Its like the carving and craving of my own mind. I shall scream out that this is what I call a masterpiece.

Well haha of course the review. Where should I start? Well I always love how you weave and mould phrases to fit a certain meaning. I love it. It is like a forever flowing Brook, no breaks but continually breathtaking and soothing.
First you create this atmosphere in the poem. A crimson sun, a mysterious yet beautiful aura. You describe in your poem two strangers and their powerful connection. Movements of their eyes, emotions behind their gaze, their knowledge of each other's feelings, you have not left out the subtlest of things. I applause how you have managed to convey the power behind the bond of two strangers. At the end the poem is pure excellence where it weaves out a certain life lesson, a spiritual aura.
Now I'd like to point out some crucial things as well as ways to improve.
Truly there is not much in the faults department except for the advice I always give i.e editing.
Now for ways to improve. I would say first get a good cover for your Poems. You truly have a lot of talent, a good cover will attract people so that they can read your stuff. I know you write for the sake of writing but extra praise and positive criticism is never bad.
Next thing is that you can probably take all your Poems and put them in one book. That way readers will be able to read more.
Last time I told you that you should write something from your heart. This surpassed my wildest expectations. You really are gifted. Keep inspiring :))

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