Nominations for week-1

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➡ If you haven't read our announcement in LLL book, please do now!

➡ We decided to nominate 3 books every week for story of the week award, the book which wins the title, will get a permanent vote+comment subscription from arats account.

➡ Judgement basis will be how much you worked on our suggestions given in the review and how much you improved.

➡ Our motive is to make the great books come in limelight.

So this week, three books which we liked the most while doing review :-

1. "Becoming the perfect bitch" by Resserell

( reviewed by sasminagurung )

2. "Stolen Glances" by eternalleonine

( reviewed by Fallingstars99)

3. "Seconds" by Rosesecrets

( reviewed by KatieFlemmings96)

We hope you do improve and all the best!

Star, Sasmina, Katie
(Arats group)

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