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(A/N) I'm all like: I want to be friends with people who love AJR as much as I do!

But then my social anxiety and low self-esteem are all like: do you, though?

Anyway tho, I kinda ran out of AJR related questions at the moment, so I now force you guys to share a random fact about yourself in the comments :>


Jack: I've got this weird feeling inside.

Adam: It must be your conscience.

Jack: Damnit, I thought I got rid of that thing.


(When Ryan gets in a fight at his highschool)

Ryan: I have to fight this guy on Tuesday, any advice?

Jack: You need them to think you're stronger than you actually are.

Ryan: That's what you do?

Jack: Me? Oh no.

Jack: My power is no illusion. I will f*cking demolish you.


Jack: *talking about Alba* I just saw the hottest girl I have ever seen. We had the most incredible spark.


Jack: You're right, I have to find her.

Adam: I didn't say anything-


(When they were kids)

Jack, running up to their dad: Adam called me the b word!

Their Dad: Adam, is this true?

Adam: Of course it isn't. Motherf*cker doesn't start with b.


Ryan: I found this salad earlier today, and it's leaves are super crunchy and fall themed!

Adam, sighing in frustration: Please tell me you didn't eat leaves off the f*cking ground.


Jack: Your apartment is on fire and you have 60 seconds, what do you take?!

Adam: A nap.

Ryan: nO-


Ryan: Recipe says to beat three eggs.

Jack: At what? Hand to hand combat?

Ryan: Must be. Adam banned swords in the kitchen, remember?


Adam: *Sneezes*

Ryan: *Aggressively wraps him up in a blanket*


Adam: Name a more iconic trio than my depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Jack, grabbing Ryan and Adam's hands: Us.

Adam, tearing up: Holy sh*t.


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