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(A/N) This is a short chapter, but more importantly: I updated my bio!!! Also what do you think the weirdest AJR song is?


(When they were kids)

Their Mom, quietly head counting: Adam.... Ryan....

Their Mom: Hold up, we're missing a  dumbass.


Adam: Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, "would Jack do that?" And if Jack would, then I do not do that thing.

Jack, nodding: I feel the same for you.


Jack, on the floor and bleeding out: It's okay!

Jack: My bones and ribs broke my fall!


Jack: Y'know, it would be nice to change the world.

Adam: For the better?


Adam: Answer me-


Jack: It's illegal to be better looking than me.

Adam: We're all going to jail then.


(Having a food fight)

Ryan: Lemme get in on this!


(This was submitted by iamChauncey)


(When they were kids)

Adam: I'm in a bad place right now.

Adam: Not mentally, I just have to share a room with my brothers.


Ryan: *Sneezes*

Jack: Bless you.

Ryan: *Sneezes again*

Jack: Oh my God. I already blessed you. Why the f*ck are you still making noise?!


Person: Hey, are these two bothering you?

Adam: Yeah, but they're my brothers so I kinda just have to deal with it.


Ryan: I sure showed those guys, huh.

Ryan: Did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?



Jack: Due to personal reasons, I will be going feral.


Adam: Are you drinking Root Beer for breakfast?

Jack: Yeah. What'd you have for breakfast?

Adam: ....Nothing.

Jack: I'm doing better than you.


Jack: Remember the time you dared me to lick your keyboard?

Ryan: No, I said "Jack, don't lick my keyboard!" And then you said "Don't tell me what to do!" And licked my keyboard.


Ryan: My brother Adam is getting his PhD.

Ryan: And my other brother thinks his toothbrush is haunted.


Ryan: Goodnight, Adam.

Ryan: Goodnight, Jack.

Ryan: And goodnight voices only I can hear-

Adam, sitting up in his sleeping bag: Hold the f*ck up here-


Ryan: You're my hero!

Adam: All I did was catch your plate of chicken nuggets before it hit the floor.

Jack: But you did it heroically. I should know, I was the plate.



Jack: Stab wound? You mean extra pocket?

Adam: No one in this house should be aloud outside, I swear to god-


(If Jack was a cop, probably)

Jack: Start talking!

Bad guy: Well, I-

Jack: Oh my God, SHUT THE F*CK UP!


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