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(A/N) What's your favorite AJR remix?


Adam: Name a way to be nice to others.

Ryan: Don't kill them.

Adam: Setting the bar a little low, but I'll allow it.


Ryan: Nothing will make me happy today.

Adam: Wanna bet?

Ryan: ...Don't you dare.

Adam: *Drags Jack into the room*

Ryan, fighting a smile: Damnit.


Jack, to Alba: Sorry I roasted you. I was trying to flirt.


Jack: I do what I want!

Ryan: I'm calling Adam.

Jack: No, wait-


Ryan: *Glaring at Adam and Jack*

Jack: Look, I know I'm in the doghouse right now.

Ryan: Oh, you're not in the doghouse.

Jack: I'm not?

Ryan: No, you're going to have to do a lot to make it IN to the doghouse.

Jack: Okay, so I'm in the yard, which is still an enclosed area.

Ryan: *Continues glaring*

Jack: Unless I'm in the pound. Ry, am I in the pound? Where's Adam? Is he in the pound with me?

Adam: Why do I have to be in the pound?

Jack: So we can get adopted together like two inseparable puppies!

Adam: But I don't want to be in the pound, Jack!

Ryan: GUYS.

Adam and Jack: Sorry...


Person: What do your brothers mean to you?

Adam: Oh, Jack and Ryan? They're the reason I wake up in the morning.

Person: Aw, that's so sweet!

(Earlier that morning)

Jack and Ryan, bursting into the room: ADAM! ADAM! ADAM! WAKEEE UP! *Pokes Adam with a stick repeatedly* YOU NEED TO MAKE US FOOD 'CAUSE WE'RE HUNGRYY!!!


Ryan: Anyway, Jack and I are going home now.

Jack and Ryan: *Sits on Adam's lap*

Adam: Wha-

Jack: You're our home <3



Ryan: What if you hit your alarm clock one morning and it hit you back.

Jack: That would be alarming.

Adam: Get out.


Ryan: Did you know that Jellyfish have survived for 600,000 years without brains?

Adam: A ray of hope for Jack.


Jack: Raise your hand if you like me.

Person: But what if I don't like you?

Adam and Ryan: Then raise your standards.


Adam: Request for you to not be a b*tch.

Jack: Request denied.


Ryan: Whenever I think I'm unattractive, I just look in the mirror.

Ryan: And then I know I'm unattractive.


Ryan: It's family moments like this that I'll never forget.

Adam: With a good therapist, hopefully I will.


Adam: And what do we say when we feel this way?

Ryan: My depression is chronic, but my ass is iconic.

Adam: No.


Jack: Do crabs think fish are flying?

Adam: How high are you?

Jack: 6' 1"


Jack: I just have one question for you, Ry.

Ryan: What is it, Jack?

Jack: What color is an orange?

Ryan: Jack, you idiot. It's color is the same as it's name, just like a lemon.

Adam: *Facepalms*


Adam: Did you know that most laughs you hear on TV shows today were recorded in the 1950s? That means, technically, you're hearing dead people laughing.

Ryan: That may be a pretty interesting fact for most people, but I already hear dead people laughing.

Adam: Hey Ryan?

Adam: What the f*ck does that mean?


Ryan: Coffee is just bean water.

Ryan: Tea is just leaf water.

Adam: Shut up. All drinks are just modified water.

Jack: bUt wHaT ABouT mILK?!


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