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(A/N) If you could tell AJR anything, what would it be?


Jack: *Falls off a high place*

Adam: Please don't be dead.

Adam: Please don't be dead.

Adam: Please, please, please don't be dead.

Jack: I'm- I'm not dead.

Adam: I'm going to f*cking kill you.


Ryan: Can we talk about what you said on instagram this morning?

Jack: It was a critical update.

Ryan: You just said "I'm back on my bullsh*t"

Jack: The people need to know.


Jack: Do you want macaroni and bees?

Adam: Don't you mean macaroni and cheese?

Jack: I know what I said.


Ryan: You know, I've always wanted to be one of those edgy bad boys.

Adam: Mhm.

Ryan: But I'm too soft and nice.

Adam: I can see how that would complicate things.


Jack: What doesn't kill me makes me real cocky about the next thing that tries.


Ryan: Just ask Alba out. The worst she can say is "no"

Jack: Yes, but that would be devastating.


Jack and Ryan: *loud nonsense*

Adam: Hey, could you guys be quiet? I'm trying to watch the news like an adult.


Ryan: Are you sober?

Jack: No, I'm actually a Leo.


Adam: There was something that prevented me from having friends when I was a kid.

Jack: It must've been your personality.


(When Ryan was born)

Adam, holding his baby brother: I've only had Ryan for ten minutes but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


(When Adam was in middle school)

Math Teacher: If you had sixty gummy bears and someone took half of them, what would they have?

Adam: A broken hand.


Adam: I just want someone to take me out.

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