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(A/N) Hey y'all! I just wanted to let you know that if you use my incorrect quotes for anything, please credit me!
I'd really appreciate it <3

Anyway, it's been a little while so how r u guys?


Jack: If you hate yourself and know it, clap your hands!

Ryan: *Claps hands*

Jack: *Smacks him*


(If Adam was a 911 operator)

Adam, picking up the phone: 911, what's your emergency?

Jack, on the other end: I have knife hands?

Adam: Excuse me?

Jack: I looked down and my hands were knives....

Adam: Your hands are knives?

Jack: Yeah.


Adam: Can you put the knives down?

Jack: No, they're my hands.

Adam: Alright, uh, where are you?

Jack, starting to panic: I-I don't want knife hands.

Jack: I can't pet my dog! I can't high-five anything!

Adam: It's okay, let's work this out-

Jack: W-what am I gonna do, be a chef? Just chop, chop, chop my whole life- NOTHING BUT CHOPPING!

Adam, sighing: How did you call 911?

Jack: I called on my phone.

Adam: Uh-huh, and how did you dial the number?

Jack: With my fingers?

Adam: Okay, where are your fingers?

Jack: On my hands? OH GOD THEY'RE BACK! Oh thank you! Oh my God, look at them! I love these hands! What's your name? Is it Sharon?

Adam: No.

Jack: Oh, Sharon you're an angel!

Adam: I am not.

Jack: Mmm, that's what an angel would say. Thank you, Sharon.

Adam: You're welcome.

Jack: -This acid is REALLY messing with me.... Oh boy, now my feet are knives-

Adam: *Hangs up*


Adam: How did you get in here?!

Ryan: The window! Or as I like to call it, the Ryan door!


Jack: I don't dab,

Jack: I just stab *flips on sunglasses*

Ryan: *Air horn noises*


Adam: Ask my why I love you guys.

Jack and Ryan: Why do you love us?

Adam: *Pulls out a 300-slide presentation* I'm glad you asked.

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