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(A/N) Do you prefer Living Room Overture or The Click Overture?


Ryan: The point is, someone hit Jack and we need to kill them!

Alba: But that's illegal!


Alba: I'm just messing with you. I'm in.

Adam: I'm in, too.


Adam: Jack is at that level of extra where he'll do a vertical split against the wall just to tie his shoes.


Adam: *Walks in the room with sunglasses on* Do these sunglasses make my head look fat?

Jack: No, your fat head makes your head look fat.


Jack: Adam, you're bleeding a lot! We need to get you to a hospital. What's your blood type?

Adam: B positive.

Jack: I'm trying but you're bleeding a lot.


Adam: Why is your back all scratched up?

Jack: *Flashback to when he chased a raccoon even though Adam told him not to*

Jack: I killed Ryan.


Ryan: If someone looks at me for more than ten seconds, I'm going to cry.


Critic: You are by far the worst band I have ever heard of.

AJR: But you have heard of us.


Adam: ....What are you doing?

Jack, drunk: *Touching Adam's hair* Holy sh*t, your hair is so soft-

Ryan, just as drunk: Wait, it is?

Ryan and Jack, petting Adam's hair: Ooh-


Adam: Next time I open up to someone will be my autopsy.


Ryan, knocking on Jack's door: Hi.

Jack, opening the door: Hey.

Ryan: I can't sleep.

Jack: I can. Goodnight. *Closes his door*


Jack: Do you remember that horrible roommate you had in college?

Ryan: You mean you?


Jack: *Following Alba around*

Alba: What are you doing?

Jack: I was told to follow my dreams.


Alba: You took advice from Jack?!

Adam: It's called hitting rock bottom.


(When they were little)

Adam: I'm sad.

Ryan: I have emotional jumper cables! I'll boost you. Just attach like so...

Adam: This is just a hug.

Ryan: Is it working?

Adam, trying not to smile: Maybe.


(When they were kids)

Jack: *Rolls over in his sleep and knees Ryan in the ribs*

Ryan: Ow.

Ryan You kneed me!

Jack, half asleep: *Hugs Ryan* Yes, I do need you.


Alba: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl!

Jack: I don't think you can fight because you're wearing a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Adam could even fight in that dress either.

Adam: Maybe not, but I would make a radiant bride.


Alba: Good morning.

Ezra: Good morning.

Austin: Good morning.

Chris: You all sound like robots, why don't you spice it up a bit?

AJR, bursting through the door: SUP F*CKERS?!


Adam: How would you like your coffee?

Jack: As dark as my soul.

Adam: So a vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar?

Jack, voice cracking: Yes.


Adam: Jack has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them.

Alba: That can't be true!

Adam: Watch this-

Adam: Hey, Jack! I'll race you to the bottom of the stairs!

Jack: *Throws himself out the window*


Ryan: You're so cute. Just so cute. *Cups Adam's face in his hands* You must be protected at all costs. <3

Adam: I'm-


Jack: Go big or go home.

Adam: Please, for once in your life, go home. I'm begging you. Go h o m e.

Jack: I'm going big!


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